Monday, May 30, 2022

Quiz yourself: Declaring and accessing Java modules

Imagine you are developing a date/time manipulation framework. The framework module is named date.time.utils and contains classes in the com.acme.utils package. The Java Date/Time API is located in the java.time package, which is in the java.base module.

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Which of the following steps is mandatory to properly define your module for your clients? Choose one.

A. Add the following to the date.time.utils module descriptor:
requires transitive java.base;

B. Add the following to the date.time.utils module descriptor:
requires java.base;
Also inform your clients to add the following in their modules:
requires java.base;

C. Add the following to the date.time.utils module descriptor:
exports date.time.utils;

D. Add the following to the date.time.utils module descriptor:
exports com.acme.utils;

Answer. The question provides the required information that the Java Date/Time API belongs to the java.base module, and you should already know that the java.base module is always implicitly required by any other module.

The question investigates how a module makes elements of itself available for other modules to use. It’s important to know that elements declared in a module are effectively hidden inside that module unless they are deliberately and expressly made accessible to clients of the module.

Option A suggests adding a requires transitive dependency on the java.base module. This directive would declare that the date.time.utils module, and any module using it, requires java.base. However, java.base is always implicitly required for all modules.

The requires transitive directive also states that clients of this module automatically have access to the exported features of the module required by this module. But again, since all modules have implicit access to java.base, this directive has no value in this case.

In addition to the lack of effect of the suggested directive, nothing in option A actually grants clients of this module the chance to use anything inside the module. Because of this, option A is incorrect.

Option B is very similar to option A, only differing in the absence of the transitive modifier and the admonition that users of this library should expressly add a dependency on java.base. Since java.base is always implicitly required, both actions listed here are without effect. Further, neither action does anything to grant access to elements of the module to users, so option B is also incorrect.

Option C suggests adding an exports directive, but that directive appears to refer to a module name. The compiler treats what follows the exports keyword as a package. It is an error to try to export a package that does not exist, and because no package in this example has the same name as that module name, option C is incorrect.

Option D correctly describes the only required step for the described scenario—and, in general, for any module whose classes are expected to be used outside that module—which is to add one or more exports directives that specify a package that should be accessible to external clients of the module. The simplest module definition for this question’s scenario will follow the guidance provided by option D and will look like the following:

module date.time.utils {
    exports com.acme.utils ;

Conclusion. The correct answer is option D.


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