Wednesday, November 30, 2022

How to Perform Right-Click using Java in Selenium?

While automating a website for testing there is always required to perform some right-click or other user actions on the page.  These user actions are one of the most commonly used actions during automation, so selenium provides a way to perform these user actions by the Actions class.

How to Perform Right Click using Actions Class

When a user performs a right click using the mouse on a particular element to perform some actions is called a right click. We are daily using this user action mostly on File Explorer, For example, to rename a file or delete a file we perform right-click and select an option.

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Right Click in Selenium

Let’s see how to perform the right click using Selenium. Selenium Webdriver API does not support the user’s actions like Mouse hover, right-click, context-click, and double-click. That is where the Actions class came to use, The actions provided by this class are performed by an API called Advanced user interaction in selenium webdriver.

Action class present in the package,

“org.openqa.selenium.interactions package”

Let’s see how to use the Actions class to Right Click an element:

Instantiate an object for the Actions class 

Actions action = new Actions(driver);

After creating the object we have to locate the web element

WebElement element=driver.findElement(locator);

Using the “ContextClick() method” from the Actions class to perform the Right click. Context Click methods navigate the mouse pointer to the middle of the web Element and then perform the right-click action in that web element.



In this example, we are navigating to the URL “” and performing the Right click on the “Right click” button. 

public class Java {

public void oraclejavacertified()

ChromeDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();
WebElement element
= driver.findElement("rightClickBtn"));
Actions action = new Actions(driver);


Code Explanation

Initially, we opened the browser and navigated to the URL

ChromeDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();

After that, we locate the web element where we have to perform the “Right Click”. Then, We initialize the Action class and performed “Right click” on the web element.

 Actions action=new Actions(driver);


Right-click is performed and the result will be displayed.

Oracle Java Certification, Oracle Java Prep, Java Tutorial and Materials, Oracle Java Material, Oracle Java Selenium


Monday, November 28, 2022

Java Modules – Service Interface Module

Java Modules, Oracle Java, Oracle Java Career, Java Skill, Java Jobs, Java Tutorial and Material, Java Certification, Java Interface

Service Provider Interface, a feature of Java 6, makes it possible to find and load implementations that adhere to a specified interface. In this article, we’ll introduce Java SPI’s components and demonstrate how to use it in a real-world scenario. a well-known collection of programming classes and interfaces that give users access to a particular feature or functionality of an application. Applications are now more extendable thanks to the introduction of the Service Provider Interface. It provides us with a way to improve particular product features without changing the main application. All we have to do is plug in a new implementation of the service that adheres to the established requirements. The program will load the new performance and use it by means of the SPI protocol.

◉ Service Provider Interface: Service Provider Interface is referred to as SPI. It is a subset of everything that may be API-specific in circumstances where a library offers classes that an application (or API library) calls and that typically alter what the application is able to do.

◉ Service Provider: A particular service implementation is referred to as a “provider” as well. By putting the provider configuration file in the resources directory META-INF/services, it can be located. It must be accessible through the classpath of the application.

◉ ServiceLoader: A class that implements the well-known interface or subclasses it is referred to as a service provider (or simply a provider). When an application chooses, a ServiceLoader is an object that finds and loads service providers deployed in the run time environment.

A particular application of the SPI. One or more concrete classes that implement or extend the service type are present in the service provider. A provider configuration file that we place in the resource directory META-INF/services allows us to configure and identify a service provider. The fully-qualified name of the SPI is contained in both the file name and its content, which is the name of the SPI implementation. The Service Provider is installed using extensions, a jar file that is added to the application classpath, the classpath for Java extensions, or a custom classpath. 

Now Let’s see the Example.


In this example, we will implement a service interface module in java using the classic classics library module. this program implementation will have access to the getBook() method.

<!-- We're including all the
dependencies here in this program -->

Then we will create a class that will implement the SPI library.

package org.library;

// Inheriting the class
public class ClassicsLibrary implements Library {

public static final String Classic_Library
= "Classic_Example";
private final Map<String, Book> books;

// ClassicsLibrary() method declaration
public ClassicsLibrary()
books = new TreeMap<>();
Book Example_1
= new Book("It's 2022", "Mr. Sinha", "Des");
Book Example_2 = new Book("It's EG2 book Name",
"Mis Sinha", "Des");

books.put("It's 2022", Example_1);
books.put("It's EG2 book Name", Example_2);

@Override public String getCategory()
return Classic_Library;

@Override public Book getBook(String name)
return books.get(name);

It should be evident how to use the Java SPI to develop readily expandable or replacement modules now that we have investigated the mechanism through a set of stated steps. Although the Yahoo exchange rate service was used in our example to demonstrate the capability of connecting to other external APIs, production systems don’t need to rely on third-party APIs to develop fantastic SPI applications.


Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Quiz yourself: If/else statements, boolean operations, and side effects

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Given the NineOneOne class

public class NineOneOne {
    static boolean emergency;
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        if (!emergency());
            say1(); // line n1
            if (emergency());
        else if(emergency())
    static boolean emergency() {
        return emergency ^= true;
    static void say1() {
        System.out.print("say1 ");
    static void say2() {
        System.out.print("say2 ");

What is the outcome if you try to compile and run the code? Choose one.

A. There is a compilation error due to unreachable code at line n1.
B. Compilation succeeds and there is no output.
C. say1
D. say2
E. say1 say2

Answer. This question addresses several aspects. The primary one is perhaps attention to detail, which of course can be a particularly critical skill in debugging code that you did not write. Additional aspects include boolean operations, side effects, and the if/else construction.

The “attention to detail” aspect of this question is rather extreme, and it’s not common to find this level of trickiness in exam questions. Did you notice the semicolons at the end of both lines that start with if? Another matter of detail, albeit related to the first, is that the indentation is inappropriate (and it’s not our intention to turn you into a Python fan!). However, from a syntactic perspective, the code is valid. Furthermore, there is no unreachable code. This tells you that option A is incorrect; the code will compile.

As a side note, unreachable code is typically not considered to be a compilation error in situations where entire blocks of code subordinate to an if or a case are unreachable. These special cases are intended to permit the equivalent of conditional compilation and can be useful in situations such as debugging and testing because they allow entire chunks of code to be enabled, disabled, or swapped out. Therefore, the following does not elicit any complaint from the compiler:

if (false) {
  // more code

By contrast, swapping the if for a while, as in the following code, is rejected by the compiler as unreachable:

while (false) { // error: unreachable statement
  // more code

Moving to the other options: You should analyze the Boolean variable called emergency. The variable is not initialized explicitly, but it’s an instance field, so it is reliably initialized to false during the object’s allocation phase.

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Notice that the emergency() method inverts the value of the emergency field each time it is called. This is performed by the exclusive OR (XOR) assignment operator (^=), and the code returns the resulting value each time it is called.

Now that you know what’s going on with the emergency field and method, look at the body of the code that calls that method. The first two if tests do nothing conditional, because they end in semicolons. However, they serve to invert (to true) and then reinvert (back to false) the value of the emergency variable.

The indentation of the code is misleading, but once you’ve spotted the semicolons at the end of those first two if statements, you’ll recognize that the method say1() will be invoked no matter what value the emergency() method returns.

At the second if statement, the value returned from the emergency() method is false, so control goes to the else branch and the third if—and with it, the third call to emergency(). That third call returns true, which invokes the say2() method.

Because both the say1() and say2() methods are invoked, say1 say2 is printed to the console. This means option E is correct and options A, B, C, and D are incorrect.

Conclusion. The correct answer is option E.


Monday, November 21, 2022

What to expect on the new Java SE 17 developer certification exam

You have 90 minutes to answer 50 questions. Ready. Set. Go!

Oracle University’s Java SE 17 Developer 1Z0-829 exam has been officially released. It’s time to start thinking about taking this certification exam, which means it’s time to start studying.

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Many people ask why someone would bother to take a certification exam like this, particularly if that someone already has a satisfactory job as a working Java programmer. Of course, all the usual arguments apply. Perhaps you can get a better job, whether an internal promotion or elsewhere; or perhaps you could simply use your new certification as leverage for a pay raise.

My own feeling is that the effort of studying the language and its libraries with a view to measuring your skills and knowledge against an external yardstick will inevitably improve your skill set. That effort can be rewarding in its own right, even without getting a new job or increased pay at your current one.

That said, what’s in this exam, and what do you need to think about learning?

The Java 17 exam crams an enormous number of wide-ranging objectives into remarkably few questions—with rather limited time to complete the work. Fifty questions in 90 minutes, in fact. Is that enough time? It is if you know your stuff well and can think fast under pressure, which does sound a bit like the real world of professional programming.

However, 90 minutes certainly doesn’t leave any spare time for idle contemplation. Plan on going in fresh and energetic, and give it all you’ve got; you can relax after you’re done.

Pay attention to the details

The exam’s broad scope and quantity of objectives are addressed by many questions that seem to touch on multiple objectives at once. Because of that complexity, it’s more important than ever to be very attentive to detail.

Sometimes a question that looks absurdly complicated hinges on one simple observation. Spot that one detail, and the answer is immediately clear. Fail to spot it, and you could waste large amounts of time going down blind alleys.

Not all questions fall into this style, however, and sometimes you’ll be pushing the not-quite-two-minutes-per-question boundary to consider all the necessary details.

Here are some specific observations gleaned from those who’ve taken the exam (myself included). These thoughts are, necessarily, somewhat speculative. It’s hard enough to answer the exam questions, and it’s unrealistic to believe that anyone has much mental energy to spare for the task of reporting back on what they saw.

That said, here’s where you might invest your learning efforts.

Library APIs. The 1Z0-829 version of the Java SE exam seems to put a lot of emphasis on library APIs. Questions delve into some of the less-mainstream elements of those APIs. Presumably the idea is to determine whether candidates merely learned the obvious items or spread out their study and were more thorough.

For example, do you know what happens when you perform a binary search on an unsorted list? Be sure to look at all the libraries noted in the exam objectives—including all the methods of those APIs.

Wait! I hear you protest that you can’t learn all the methods, all the arguments, and all the return values of all the library APIs! You’re right, and it would be very inefficient to ask any programmer to learn what’s well documented and easy to look up whenever needed.

Therefore, you should study broad groupings of functionality, and in that way get a feel for the character of the libraries. For example, most methods that take a range will specify that range with the first value and then a fence, that is, the first value to be excluded. Thus, an integer range specified as 1, 11 would represent the values 1 to 10 inclusive. If it’s a floating-point range, it encompasses 1.0 to ten-point-nine-something—but less than 11.

Many libraries exhibit a conceptual consistency; try to find it along with getting a feel for how things work.

New language features. As you would expect, the Java SE 17 exam investigates your knowledge of language features that have been added over the past few years. Those include text blocks, switch expressions and the arrow form of switch, sealed and record types, and pattern matching for instanceof, along with a few other less-prominent features.

Take some time to get familiar with these new features and try out the corner cases. For this kind of thing, you’ll find that writing lots of code will help you become fluent with the feature and its details.

Of course, writing lots of code that exercises new Java functionality will serve you well in your day-to-day programming as soon as your project allows you to use these features. Thus, this is time well spent.

Core language functionality. Don’t forget that you’ll still need to know the core Java language fluently, for example, simple things such as identifier resolution. What happens if you have more than one identifier with the same spelling that might be reached from a particular point in the code? How can you take explicit control of that identifier, perhaps by using this or a class name as a prefix?

What about Java’s argument passing and the consequences of that?

Exception handling, particularly the declaration and catching of checked exceptions, will come up. You’ll need a strong grasp of how Java performs and controls the initialization of classes and objects. If you’re fumbling around having to think very long about these core language elements, you’ll quite likely run out of time.

Other observations

The date/time API that was added at Java 8 is back, and both the serialization feature and the threading APIs seem to have gained more prominence than in previous versions of the exam.

The Java Platform Module System (JPMS) has had varying amounts coverage in the exams since it was released in Java 9, and the current focus seems to have shifted to the migration of projects. Oracle talks about top-down and bottom-up migration styles, and questions about those seem to show up more than questions about the syntax of files.

There is plenty of focus on streams and collectors, and even some reports of Spliterator showing up on questions. And, as has been the case for a long time, there’s at least a hint of the internationalization and localization APIs.


Friday, November 18, 2022

Build smarter Java types with records and enums

A type defines a set of values. Historically developers haven’t been very good at using encapsulation to ensure that objects stay within a type’s set of values. In response, this article introduces a functional approach to Java type design using Java’s new record keyword to guarantee that each constructed object is a legal value.

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In this approach, your code improves dramatically because now you validate the object in one place, at construction. Because record fields are automatically final, an object cannot be morphed into an illegal value. Such a typed object never needs to be rechecked by any function that receives it as an argument or returns it as a result.

I’ll begin with the following simple utility that makes the examples cleaner and easier to read by providing an abbreviation for console output:

// util/
package util;

public class Show {
  public static void show(Object msg) {

Say you want to test and display invalid objects. Normally you would throw an exception in the case of an invalid object, but you want to see the output from the rest of the program after displaying the object. Here’s the utility.

// util/
package util;
import static;

public class Check {
  public static boolean
  valid(Boolean exp, String errInfo) {
    if (!exp) {
      show("Type failure: " + errInfo);
      return false;
      // Should actually throw an
      // exception, but this allows you
      // to see complete example output.
    return true;
  public static boolean
  range(Boolean exp, Object errInfo) {
    return valid(exp,
        errInfo + " out of range");

Here, range() expects a compound Boolean expression that tests whether your object is within a particular range.

Star ratings

Consider how you might manage star ratings for surveys and feedback mechanisms that allow users to provide a rating between 1 and 10 stars. An int representing the number of stars might seem like the most straightforward solution.

// example1/
// 1 to 10 stars for giving feedback
package example1;
import util.Check;
import static;

public class Starred {
  static int f1(int stars) {
      0 < stars && stars <= 10, stars);
    return stars * 2;
  static int f2(int stars) {
      0 < stars && stars <= 10, stars);
    return stars + 4;
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    int stars1 = 6;
    int stars2 = 11;
    stars1 = 99;

Type failure: 11 out of range
Type failure: 99 out of range

There are three problems with this approach.

◉ f1() and f2() accept an int representing the number of stars. Anyone who writes such a function must remember to validate that argument, and an unknown future programmer maintaining or extending the code must perform the check and also understand that check.

◉ f1() and f2() look like they might be returning stars but because the return type is just int, there’s no way to be sure. If they are returning stars, they are not testing the return expressions; so, the resulting star values will sometimes be outside the range of 1 to 10.

◉ If the meaning of stars changes, all the code that validates this concept-in-the-form-of-an-int must be modified and debugged.

Instead of int, what you need is a new type that specifically defines the behavior of stars. This new type should have its own name, so it is distinguished from int. Enter the object-oriented promise of encapsulation.

// example2/
// Encapsulation with validation checks
package example2;
import util.Check;
import static;

class Stars {
  private int n;
  static void validate(int s) {
    Check.range(0 < s && s <= 10, s);
  Stars(int n) {
    this.n = n;
  int n() { return n; }
  Stars f1(Stars stars) {
    n = n % 5 + stars.n * 2;
    return this;
  Stars f2(Stars stars) {
    n = n % 5 + stars.n + 2;
    return this;
  static Stars f3(Stars s1, Stars s2) {
    return new Stars(s1.n + s2.n);
  @Override public String toString() {
    return "Stars(" + n + ")";

public class Encapsulation {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    Stars[] s = {
      new Stars(1), new Stars(3),
      new Stars(2), new Stars(6),
      new Stars(11),
    show(Stars.f3(s[1], s[3]));
    var s1 = s[1];
Type failure: 11 out of range
Type failure: 12 out of range
Type failure: 16 out of range

Things seem much better. The stars concept is now represented by a Stars class. The number of stars is the private int n, which means only Stars methods can modify and validate n. By encapsulating n, you can protect it from outside meddling. Methods that modify n are restricted to those defined within the class, making it easier to track down functions that change n into an invalid value. Everything about the concept is neatly packaged and controlled within the class.

This approach is a big part of the promise of object-oriented programming, and it is arguably better. It genuinely helps. But it did not turn out to be a panacea. Consider the Stars class: Each method must perform validate() checks to ensure n is within its proper range of values. Although the idea of “stars have a value from 1 to 10” is restricted to this class, the idea is still spread throughout the class. And if you are concerned about performance, running those validate() checks everywhere seems inefficient.

There’s a bigger problem, too: Because objects can be modified (mutated), it can be difficult to understand the behavior of an object—as you can see from the output.

What about immutability?

Consider the functional-programming practice of making everything immutable. What if the value of n is initialized correctly and then never changes? In that case, a method that accepts a Stars argument no longer needs to validate it; the method knows the Stars value can’t be created incorrectly, and it cannot be mutated into an invalid state. This is the concept of making illegal values unrepresentable: If it’s impossible to create an illegal value of that type, you can safely ignore the issue of whether an object of that type is correct.

Java lets you create such types using the record keyword, introduced in Java 16. Using record instead of class produces numerous benefits, but here I am focusing on immutability.

// example3/
// Creating a type using JDK 16 records
package example3;
import java.util.HashMap;
import util.Check;
import static;

record Stars(int n) {
  Stars {
    Check.range(0 < n && n <= 10, n);

public class RecordValidation {
  static Stars f1(Stars stars) {
    return new Stars(stars.n() * 2);
  static Stars f2(Stars stars) {
    return new Stars(stars.n() + 4);
  static Stars f3(Stars s1, Stars s2) {
    return new Stars(s1.n() + s2.n());
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    Stars[] s = {
      new Stars(1), new Stars(3),
      new Stars(4), new Stars(6),
      new Stars(11),
    show(f3(s[1], s[3]));
    show(f3(s[3], s[3]));

    // Records can be keys in hashed data
    // structures because they define
    // equals() and hashCode():
    var m = new HashMap<stars, string="">();
    m.put(s[1], "one");
    m.put(s[2], "two");
Type failure: 11 out of range
Type failure: 12 out of range
Type failure: 12 out of range
{Stars[n=3]=one, Stars[n=4]=two}

The record Stars statement automatically creates an object field for its argument, int n. That’s not all: The record also creates a constructor that takes int n and assigns it to the object field. The compact constructor seen here allows you to validate the constructor arguments before they are assigned to the object fields.

The fields generated from the record arguments are automatically final—that’s how record works—so they cannot be modified. Thus, when a record object is created correctly, it cannot later be mutated into an incorrect state.

The benefit is that f1(), f2(), and f3() no longer need to perform validity checks, because they know that a Stars object is always created correctly and it always stays that way. Notice that the meaning of a Stars object as being in the range of 1 to 10 is now defined in only one spot: within the compact constructor.

As an aside, the immutability of a record also means that, together with the automatic definition of equals() and hashCode() in that record, the record can be used as a key in a data structure such as HashMap.

Automatic argument assignment

It’s important to be aware that the automatic assignment of arguments to corresponding fields of the same name does not happen until after the compact constructor is finished.

// watchout/
package watchout;
import static;

record Stars(int n) {
  Stars {
    show("In compact constructor:");
    show("n: " + n + ", n(): " + n());
    // show("this.n: " + this.n);
    // Variable 'this.n' might not have
    // been initialized
  void x() {
    show("n: " + n + ", n(): " + n());
    show("this.n: " + this.n);

public class RecordConstructor {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    var s = new Stars(10);
    show("After construction:");
In compact constructor:
n: 10, n(): 0
n: 0, n(): 0
this.n: 0
After construction:
n: 10, n(): 10
this.n: 10

Within the compact constructor, n refers not to the field but to the argument, while n() accesses the field (this.n). The Java compiler is smart enough to emit an error message if you access this.n within the constructor, but it doesn’t produce the same error message for n().

Inside method x(), n may only refer to this.n. The output shows that the field n has not been initialized (beyond the automatic default behavior of zeroing memory) when you are inside the compact constructor.

What if you assign to this.n within the compact constructor?

package watchout2;

record Stars(int n) {
  Stars {
    // this.n = 42;
    // Cannot assign a value to final variable 'n'

In an ordinary class, you can assign to a final within the constructor, but a compact constructor prevents that—this makes sense because that’s an essential part of what a record does. But it’s important to note that field initialization doesn’t happen until after the compact constructor is called, so object validation within a compact constructor is limited to checking the constructor arguments, not the initialized fields.

According to Brian Goetz, the reason for this design decision was to allow validation or normalization on proposed component values. For example, normalization can include clamping (if the value is greater than x, clamp to x), rounding, and related transforms. That’s why the values are written after you’ve had a chance to normalize the parameters.

There’s a way to guarantee that the type is correct without testing it everywhere. An immutable record with a validation constructor has suddenly made the entire correctness issue vanish; anywhere this new type is used, you know it is correct.

Automatically applying correctness

It gets better: When you compose a record from another record, this guarantee is automatically applied. For example, you can create a record called Person using more than one record as component parts, as follows:

// example4/
// Composing records using records
package example4;
import util.Check;
import static;

record FullName(String name) {
  FullName {
    show("Checking FullName " + name);
    Check.valid(name.split(" ").length > 1,
      name + " needs first and last names");

record BirthDate(String dob) {
  BirthDate {
    show("TODO: Check BirthDate " + dob);

record EmailAddress(String address) {
  EmailAddress {
    show("TODO: Check EmailAddress " + address);

record Person(FullName name,
              BirthDate dateOfBirth,
              EmailAddress email) {
  Person {
    show("TODO: Check Person");

public class People {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    var person = new Person(
      new FullName("Bruce Eckel"),
      new BirthDate("7/8/1957"),
      new EmailAddress("")
Checking FullName Bruce Eckel
TODO: Check BirthDate 7/8/1957
TODO: Check EmailAddress
TODO: Check Person
  name=FullName[name=Bruce Eckel],

Each record component knows how to validate itself. When you combine FullName, BirthDate, and EmailAddress into the record Person, the creation of each argument performs its validity check, so you create a Person from three other validated objects. Afterwards, Person performs its own validation test within its compact constructor.

By the way, a record can be used only for composition; you cannot inherit from a record, so the complexities of inheritance are fortunately not an issue.

Another approach: Enums

I’ve been using a record with constructor validation to define a set of legitimate objects and calling this set of values a type. If a type comprises a small number of values that can be predefined, there’s a second way to define a type: an enum. The code below expands upon the BirthDate from the previous example by creating types for Day, Month, and Year, where Month is defined as an enum.

// example5/
// An enum is also a type, and is preferable
// when you have a smaller set of values.
// "Leap years are left as an exercise."
package example5;
import util.Check;
import static;

record Day(int n) {
  Day {
    Check.range(0 < n && n <= 31, this);

enum Month {
  // Only needed for this example:
  final int maxDays;
  Month(int maxDays) {
    this.maxDays = maxDays;
  public static Month number(int n) {
    if (Check.range(1 <= n && n <= 12,
        "Month.number(" + n + ")"))
      return values()[n - 1];
    return NONE;
  void checkDay(Day day) {
    Check.range(day.n() <= maxDays,
      this + ": " + day);

record Year(int n) {
  Year {
    Check.range(1900 < n && n <= 2022, this);

record BirthDate(Month m, Day d, Year y) {
  BirthDate {

public class DateOfBirth {
  static void test(int m, int d, int y) {
    show(m + "/" + d + "/" + y);
    show(new BirthDate(
      Month.number(m), new Day(d), new Year(y)
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    test(7, 8, 1957);
    test(0, 32, 1857);
    test(2, 31, 2022);
    test(9, 31, 2022);
    test(4, 31, 2022);
    test(6, 31, 2022);
    test(11, 31, 2022);
    test(12, 31, 2022);
    test(13, 31, 2022);
BirthDate[m=JULY, d=Day[n=8], y=Year[n=1957]]
Type failure: Month.number(0) out of range
Type failure: Day[n=0] out of range
Type failure: Year[n=0] out of range
Type failure: NONE: Day[n=32] out of range
BirthDate[m=NONE, d=Day[n=32], y=Year[n=1857]]
Type failure: FEBRUARY: Day[n=31] out of range
BirthDate[m=FEBRUARY, d=Day[n=31], y=Year[n=2022]]
Type failure: SEPTEMBER: Day[n=31] out of range
BirthDate[m=SEPTEMBER, d=Day[n=31], y=Year[n=2022]]
Type failure: APRIL: Day[n=31] out of range
BirthDate[m=APRIL, d=Day[n=31], y=Year[n=2022]]
Type failure: JUNE: Day[n=31] out of range
BirthDate[m=JUNE, d=Day[n=31], y=Year[n=2022]]
Type failure: NOVEMBER: Day[n=31] out of range
BirthDate[m=NOVEMBER, d=Day[n=31], y=Year[n=2022]]
BirthDate[m=DECEMBER, d=Day[n=31], y=Year[n=2022]]
Type failure: Month.number(13) out of range
Type failure: NONE: Day[n=31] out of range
BirthDate[m=NONE, d=Day[n=31], y=Year[n=2022]]

The Day represents a day of the month, and the most general thing you can know about it is that it must be greater than zero and less than or equal to 31. Of course, that’s not enough of a constraint to ensure correctness for any specific month (such as June), but it’s a good starting point. Notice how effortless it is to define Day as a record with a constructor test, because you know that this rule will be followed throughout your code without having to explain or enforce it.

Because there are only 12 months, it makes sense to predefine each of them as an enum. The constructor stores the maximum number of days for a month inside that Month’s element. The Month elements are immutable, so you need to make only one of each.

If you use the static method number() to look up a Month that is out of range, number() returns NONE rather than throwing an exception. This way, you can see all the messages instead of halting the program with an exception. (If you throw exceptions, you don’t need NONE.)

The checkDay()method verifies that a particular Day is within range for this Month. It is used in BirthDate once you have both a Month and a Day.

The enum values are created and checked before they can be used, so you’ll encounter fewer surprises when you use this approach; you won’t get an exception at some later time the way you can when someone tries to create an invalid record. Also, your IDE can fill the values of an enum.

As an exercise, try representing Month using a record instead of an enum. Also, you may have noticed that leap years are not accounted for, which means there is a problem with February. That is also left as an exercise for you.


Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Quiz yourself: Classes, modules, and sealed types

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Know what Java Language Specification 8.1.6 says about sealed-type hierarchies.

Given three classes that successfully compile

public sealed class Super permits, com.baz.SubBaz {

public final class SubBar extends Super {

package com.baz;
public final class SubBaz extends Super {

Which statement is correct? Choose one.

A. The classes must belong to the unnamed module.
B. The classes must belong to the same unnamed or named module.
C. The classes must belong to a single named module.
D. The classes may belong to different named modules.

Answer. Sealed classes, developed under JEP 409, were initially introduced as a preview in Java 15 and finalized in Java 17. The code shown is a syntactically valid declaration of three classes in a sealed-class hierarchy.

Notice that the children refer to the parent using the extends clause, and the parent refers to the children using the permits clause. This is actually a circular reference and is indicative of the very tight coupling between the types of a sealed-type hierarchy. Indeed, the Java Language Specification 8.1.6 offers the following design guidance on the issue of sealed classes:

… a sealed class hierarchy should always be declared within a single maintenance domain, where the same developer or group of developers is responsible for maintaining the hierarchy.

In fact, the JLS imposes syntactic rules on the types in a sealed-type hierarchy, also in section 8.1.6. It notes the following:

If a sealed class C is associated with a named module, then every class specified in the permits clause of C’s declaration must be associated with the same module as C, or a compile-time error occurs.

If a sealed class C is associated with an unnamed module, then every class specified in the permits clause of C’s declaration must belong to the same package as C, or a compile-time error occurs.

The first of those two paragraphs says that the sealed class (Super) and its permitted subclasses (SubBar, SubBaz) must belong to the same module. From this you can determine that option D is incorrect and that option C is valid.

The second paragraph says that you cannot define a sealed-type hierarchy in an unnamed module if any of the types are in different packages. This tells you that options A and B are incorrect.

Since option C is now the only remaining valid option, you can finally be sure that it is the correct answer.

Side note: The circular references mentioned earlier (where the child types refer to the parent type in their extends clauses, and the parent type refers to the child types in the permits clause) combine with the module system rule that prohibits cyclic dependencies among modules. This prevents the types of the sealed-type hierarchy from being spread across modules.

Conclusion. The correct answer is option C.


Monday, November 14, 2022

Oracle Java SE Programmer I Exam: Preparation Tips & Relevant 1Z0-808 Practice Tests

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OCA is the acronym for Oracle Certified Associate and is the first certification you can get as a Java developer to demonstrate a solid knowledge of Java. Oracle offers many certificates related to Java, and Oracle Certified Associate, 1Z0-808 Java SE 8 Programmer I, is one such certification.

This entry-level focuses on variables, classes and interface definition, arrays, exception handling, encapsulation, polymorphism, and flow control. Basic API knowledge is required about strings and array lists.

Overview of Oracle 1Z0-808 Java SE 8 Programmer I Exam

Oracle 1Z0-808 Java SE 8 Programmer I exam is for those candidates who want to get certified as Oracle Associate. This certification helps you understand Java better, enhancing your programming skills. You must have a technical background to take this Oracle 1Z0-808 certification exam, which encompasses technical management, system administration, web development, and technical writing.

Oracle Certified Associate (OCA) Java SE 8 Programmer I certification helps you build a foundational understanding of Java. You are getting certified as Oracle Certified Associate Java SE 8 Programmer (OCA) is the first of two steps in displaying the high-level skills required to become a professional Java developer.

Oracle Certified Associate (OCA) Java SE 8 Programmer I certification is an entry-level certification in the Java roadmap. You might be wondering what SE means in Java SE 8. There are four programming platforms in Java.

Certification does not mean that a developer that has it is better than another developer because of it. Still, it means that this person has been able to pass a tricky 1Z0-808 exam and has dedicated some time to improve his knowledge of the Java programming language and will have a deeper understanding of how works a Java program.

To better prepare for this 1Z0-808 exam, you can complete Oracle's Java SE 8 Fundamentals certification. The time to prepare for the Oracle Java SE 8 Programmer I (1Z0-808) certification exam can differ depending on your Java programming knowledge and experience. For a fresher with basic programming knowledge, the ideal time for preparation is two months if they spend considerable time in a day on the practices.

For those with reasonably good knowledge and experience in Java, this time can be decreased to one month or even 15 days, depending on your learning speed and the time allocated for daily practice. For a novice who has yet to learn about Java or Object Oriented Programming, the time required for learning can go up to 6 months since they have to understand the programming concepts and then move on to Java-specific learning.

Steps That Can Help You in Your Journey to the Oracle 1Z0-808 Certification

The preparations require focus, effort, and time. Incorporate the steps mentioned here as a part of your daily routine by allocating a regular and fixed time spot that can be quickly followed:

1. Understand the 1Z0-808 Syllabus

The primary step is to get the entire syllabus of the 1Z0-808 exam. This will give you a detailed insight into the topics you must cover within the set time frame. A study plan can be prepared based on the number of topics and the time needed to complete each section.

2. Collect Resources

Once you are familiar with the Java SE 8 Programmer I syllabus and the topics, gathering helpful resources is next. These could include books as well as online resources.

3. Join Java Forums and Communities

It is always a good idea to join a popular forum or community where you can post questions and doubts and get them answered by experts. This will also help you get new ideas, practical solutions, and tips that can significantly assist you while taking the mock tests and the 1Z0-808 certification exam. You can also read blogs by community members.

4. Practice 1Z0-808 Practice Tests

As important as daily coding sessions are the 1Z0-808 practice tests. Only by taking as many tests as possible can you master the technique of completing the actual Java SE 8 Programmer I exam in the prescribed time. Almost all guides have 1Z0-808 practice tests you can solve by timing yourself. Other than these, there is a plethora of online sites that offer practice tests for aspirants.

5. Revision

Revising the lessons is the ultimate step in preparing for the Oracle Java SE 8 Programmer I certification exam. You would not want to waste precious time going through all the books you have covered in the last few months. Revision means remembering the main points of each chapter. It is here the notes and tips you have prepared become handy. Recap all the essential facts, practice coding, and take 1Z0-808 mock tests until the last minute.

Closing Words

These steps are just a guide for your preparations. Learning strategies can change as per personal preferences and the time required to master a concept. Prepare entirely, stay calm, and take the Oracle 1Z0-808 Java SE 8 Programmer I test confidently.

Quiz yourself: The truth about Java enums

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Which statements about enums are correct? Choose two.

A. You cannot declare a final method in the enum type.
B. You can declare an abstract method in the enum type.
C. enum instances are immutable.
D. You can override the equals method to implement your own comparison based on an enum constant’s state.
E. enum members with protected access modifiers cannot be accessed outside an enum’s own package.

Answer. The goal of the enum concept is to provide a specific number of instances of a given type. That number is fixed in the source code, and each instance has a well-defined name in the code.

Enums have a common parent class. It’s prohibited to describe another class as extends any enum. This rule ensures that no other class can be defined from which objects can be created that are assignment-compatible with the enum type. After all, if you were allowed to define new classes compatible with the enum type, you could then arbitrarily add new objects beyond the intended set of instances.

In addition, controls are imposed on any enum to ensure that deserialization and other behaviors do not create new, unintended instances.

Supporting these ideas is one of the effects of having the common parent class—but note that the enum must not declare that it extends that parent class. Instead, this happens automatically because of the use of the enum keyword in place of the class keyword.

These initial ideas have some consequences that are relevant to determining the answer to this question.

Option A suggests that you cannot declare a final method in an enum type. At first glance doing so might seem pointless, since the enum seems to be final. However, you can, in fact, define subtypes of the enum, provided you do so directly within the enum type itself, in the context of one of the instances.

It’s probably helpful to emphasize the distinction between the enum type and the instances of the enum.

Consider the sample code below; the enum type called Type has two instances: One is referred to using the reference GOOD, and the other is referred to using the reference BAD. However, the syntax used here, where GOOD is followed by curly braces, actually means that GOOD refers to an instance of an anonymous subtype of Type. Given that the example defines the doIt() method in the enum type Type as being final, this prevents overriding of that method in GOOD.

enum Type {
    GOOD {}, // cannot override doIt here
    final void doIt() {} // OK

Since subclassing the enum is possible, although only under these very specific syntactic constraints, it’s not unreasonable to declare a method as final, and it is, in fact, permitted. From this, it’s clear that option A is incorrect.

Now that you know that limited subtyping is possible with enum types, it’s reasonable to expect that you can usefully declare an abstract method inside an enum type, and that expectation is correct. In such a situation you must provide an implementation of the abstract method inside each enum constant’s body. You must not leave any abstract method unimplemented, because the enum type may not itself be declared as abstract.

enum Type { // cannot have abstract modifier
    GOOD {
        String describe() { return "Good"; }
    BAD {
        String describe() { return "Not good"; }
    // this is valid provided all the above objects implement
    // the method 
    abstract String describe(); 

From this you know that option B is correct.

An enum guarantees a specific number of instances of the type but does not guarantee immutability. Guaranteeing immutability is the responsibility of the developer. An enum constant is really a public static final reference to an instance of the enum type. While that reference cannot be modified, the object to which it refers might be mutable. This can happen if the enum is declared in such a way that it contains a mutable field, and the following code illustrates this:

enum Type {
    // description is not final, so it can be modified
    public String description; 
    String describe() { return description; }

In this example, the public String field named description could be reassigned to refer to a different String object. Similarly, if the field were declared to be of the StringBuilder type, the contents of that object would be intrinsically mutable. From this you can see that option C is incorrect.

Option D is also incorrect: Each enum type implicitly inherits from the java.lang.Enum class, which already has some final methods, in particular, the following:

◉ compareTo()
◉ equals()
◉ hashCode()
◉ name()
◉ ordinal()

Because the equals() method is final in the base type Enum, you cannot override it, and you cannot implement your own comparison logic. The inherited implementation looks like this.

public final boolean equals(Object other) {
  return this==other;

Option E is correct, as protected members of Java classes (including enums) can be accessed only in a different package if the access is performed in a subtype that’s declared in that other package.

However, subclasses of an enum must be nested, that is, declared inside the top-level curly braces that contain the body of the enum declaration. Because of that, the subtypes of an enum cannot possibly be in a different package. Consequently, all protected members can be accessed only from the enum’s package and not from external packages. Their access is, therefore, indistinguishable from what it would be if they were declared with default accessibility, that is, without any explicit modifier.

Conclusion. The correct answers are options B and E.


Friday, November 11, 2022

Curly Braces #6: Recursion and tail-call optimization

Over the years, I’ve come to appreciate the power of recursion, yet I have two minor gripes with it.

First, there is one part of every recursive call that jumps out at me as inelegant: the base case, also known as the escape clause.

Let’s look at the classic factorial example in Java.

int factorial(int n) {
        if (n <= 1) // Base case
            return 1; 
        return n * factorial(n - 1); // Recursive case

Here’s the point: factorial is recursive except when it reaches the base case. Yes, I’m nitpicking—and mostly joking.

My second gripe is a more serious one: In practice, I rarely witness the use of recursion. The recursion use cases that stand out to me include XML parsing as well as code that handles hierarchical data in general. For instance, I once came across a neat piece of code that walked a TreeMap using a two-method recursive implementation. The fact that it involved two methods that repeatedly called each other blew developers’ minds. (The code also wasn’t commented.)

This implementation was beautiful. I still see, in my head, these two methods of equal size accomplishing an astonishing amount of work with so little code. This was true recursive power.

Of course, there are other valid uses of recursion in Java, such as in searching, sorting (see the Towers of Hanoi problem), and machine learning (due to the hierarchical structure of applicable datasets). But the truth is, due to stack concerns and the perceived complexity of recursion, Java developers generally write loop-centered algorithms instead.

Introducing the tail call

If the use of recursion is not common in the Java community, why write about it? Because Java is more than a language. It’s a platform based on a virtual machine, and the JVM supports other languages beyond Java. Some of those languages, such as Groovy, rely heavily on recursion.

Many functional language interpreters contain an optimization for recursion to save stack space based on tail calls. A tail call is when a method or function call is the last instruction inside of another method or function. (For simplicity, I’ll refer to all calls as function calls.)

Consider the function foo(), as defined as follows:

int foo(int a) {
  a = a + 1;
  return func(a);

The call to function func() is the last statement in function foo(); therefore, it’s a tail call. If foo() executed any instructions after the return call to func(), then func() would no longer be referred to as a tail call. Here’s an example where the recursive function is also a tail call.

int fact(int i, int acc) {
      if ( i == 0 ) 
        return acc;
        return fact( i – 1, acc * i);
    int factorial(int n) {
      if ( n == 0 )
        return 1;
        return fact( n – 1, 1 );

If you compile this code with a C compiler and debug it, you can examine the assembly code as it executes (see Figure 1). The red arrow points to the last two instructions for the function fact(), which are the call to fact() itself and retq for the return statement. This fits the definition of a tail call. (I generated this view using NetBeans; while I was debugging, I chose the Disassembly submenu option under Window > Debugging.)

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Figure 1. Function fact() is a recursive tail call, as shown by the assembly code.

I chose to illustrate this example in C because it was easier to show the associated assembly code, but the same holds true for Java. In fact, you can copy this code into a Java class verbatim, and it will compile and work the same way.

Now, it’s time to optimize these functions, and there can be a significant benefit.

Tail-call optimization

Tail-call optimization (TCO) is very relevant for recursive calls, and the topic has become important in functional programming. You see, with any tail call—not just a recursive one—the function call itself can be optimized away and turned into what is effectively a goto. The benefit is that the optimization eliminates all the work required to set up the stack before the function call (the prolog) and then restore the stack afterwards (the epilog).

Consider the following code:

int func_a(int data) {
  data = do_this(data);
  return do_that(data);

The function do_that() is a tail call, and its nonoptimized assembly code might look something like the following:

... ! executing inside func_a()
push EIP ! push current instruction pointer on stack
push data ! push variable 'data' on the stack
jmp do_this ! call do_this() by jumping to its address
... ! executing inside do_this()
push EIP ! push current instruction pointer on stack
push data ! push variable 'data' on the stack
jmp do_that ! call do_that() by jumping to its address
... ! executing inside do_that()
pop data ! prepare to return value of 'data'
pop EIP ! return to do_this()
pop data ! prepare to return value of 'data'
pop EIP ! return to func_a()
pop data ! prepare to return value of 'data'
pop EIP ! return to func_a() caller

Notice the multiple pop instructions for both data and EIP (extended instruction pointer) register occurring in succession. The EIP register returns the value of data and restores the instruction pointer. One set of these epilogs and its associated prolog (where data and the EIP register are saved on the stack) could be eliminated and replaced by a simple jump (JMP) assembly instruction. This optimization can be done because the function do_that() will execute the epilog code for the calling function, func_a().

This optimization is safe because func_a() doesn’t perform any meaningful instructions after do_that() returns, because it’s a tail call. (Recall that if something were done with the return value after the call to do_that() returns, this optimization cannot be performed because do_that() would no longer be a tail call.)

Here’s the result of TCO; the crossed-out lines indicate instructions that were removed.

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Shown slightly differently, this is the code before TCO.

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Here it is again after TCO.

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Comparing the shaded row in both, you can see how much less machine code there is to run in the optimized version.

Reducing the amount of code is good, but it’s not the biggest reason for preferring the optimized version. The real benefits appear when you combine TCO with recursion.

If you review the recursive factorial example shown earlier, you can see that when it is combined with this optimization, all the prolog and epilog assembly code that would be needed repeatedly can be removed. Such optimization effectively turns the following recursive pseudocode, which I’ve taken from a Wikipedia example

call factorial(3)
  call fact(3,1)
    call fact(2,3)
      call fact(1,6)
        call fact(0,6)
        return 6
      return 6
    return 6
  return 6
return 6

into this iterative pseudocode

call factorial(3)
  call fact(3,1)
  update variables with (2,3)
  update variables with (1,6)
  update variables with (0,6)
  return 6
return 6

In other words, TCO replaces the recursive code with a loop, which goes back to the observation that many Java developers would prefer to use loops instead of recursion. This optimization reduces the function call prolog and epilog assembly code for numerous recursive calls, and it also greatly reduces pressure on the stack.

Without this optimization, calculating the factorial of very large numbers (or doing other large recursive operations) would likely blow the stack. Reducing the algorithms to a loop in the compiled code removes that risk. This is why most functional language interpreters perform TCO behind the scenes.

Java and TCO

I spoke to Brian Goetz, the Java language architect at Oracle, about TCO back in 2014. At the time, he told me that it’s on a list of things to be added to the JVM. I caught up with him recently to discuss the topic, and he said that while progress has been made, and more may occur in the future, TCO hasn’t been fully implemented due to some security concerns.

Mark Reinhold, chief architect of the Java Platform Group at Oracle, recently was quoted saying the following:

It’s not clear to me that we would ever want to expose tail calls and continuations in the platform for general use but there may be ways we could use them inside the platform, in some fairly interesting ways.

It isn’t a big deal to most developers writing Java code that the JVM doesn’t fully perform TCO, because Java programmers tend to avoid recursion through the use of loops. For instance, here’s an iterative implementation of factorial in Java.

int factorial(int n) {
  int result = 1;
  for (int t=n; t > 1; t--)
      result *= t;
  return result;

However, the lack of TCO does become an issue when you run functional languages (such as Groovy) within the JVM. Then, recursive code that ran fine with that language’s native interpreter may blow the stack when it’s executed in the JVM.

It’s important to note that this isn’t a bug in the JVM. Still, for now, it’s best to do TCO yourself, if you can, by avoiding deeply recursive functions when you’re coding in a functional language on the JVM.
