Monday, May 30, 2022

Quiz yourself: Declaring and accessing Java modules

Imagine you are developing a date/time manipulation framework. The framework module is named date.time.utils and contains classes in the com.acme.utils package. The Java Date/Time API is located in the java.time package, which is in the java.base module.

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Which of the following steps is mandatory to properly define your module for your clients? Choose one.

A. Add the following to the date.time.utils module descriptor:
requires transitive java.base;

B. Add the following to the date.time.utils module descriptor:
requires java.base;
Also inform your clients to add the following in their modules:
requires java.base;

C. Add the following to the date.time.utils module descriptor:
exports date.time.utils;

D. Add the following to the date.time.utils module descriptor:
exports com.acme.utils;

Answer. The question provides the required information that the Java Date/Time API belongs to the java.base module, and you should already know that the java.base module is always implicitly required by any other module.

The question investigates how a module makes elements of itself available for other modules to use. It’s important to know that elements declared in a module are effectively hidden inside that module unless they are deliberately and expressly made accessible to clients of the module.

Option A suggests adding a requires transitive dependency on the java.base module. This directive would declare that the date.time.utils module, and any module using it, requires java.base. However, java.base is always implicitly required for all modules.

The requires transitive directive also states that clients of this module automatically have access to the exported features of the module required by this module. But again, since all modules have implicit access to java.base, this directive has no value in this case.

In addition to the lack of effect of the suggested directive, nothing in option A actually grants clients of this module the chance to use anything inside the module. Because of this, option A is incorrect.

Option B is very similar to option A, only differing in the absence of the transitive modifier and the admonition that users of this library should expressly add a dependency on java.base. Since java.base is always implicitly required, both actions listed here are without effect. Further, neither action does anything to grant access to elements of the module to users, so option B is also incorrect.

Option C suggests adding an exports directive, but that directive appears to refer to a module name. The compiler treats what follows the exports keyword as a package. It is an error to try to export a package that does not exist, and because no package in this example has the same name as that module name, option C is incorrect.

Option D correctly describes the only required step for the described scenario—and, in general, for any module whose classes are expected to be used outside that module—which is to add one or more exports directives that specify a package that should be accessible to external clients of the module. The simplest module definition for this question’s scenario will follow the guidance provided by option D and will look like the following:

module date.time.utils {
    exports com.acme.utils ;

Conclusion. The correct answer is option D.


Sunday, May 29, 2022

You don’t need an application server to run Jakarta EE applications

Depending on the requirements, you can do well with Helidon, Piranha, or Hammock.

Jakarta EE (formerly Java EE) and the concept of an application server have been intertwined for so long that it’s generally thought that Jakarta EE implies an application server. This article will look at whether that’s still the case—and, if Jakarta EE isn’t an application server, what is it?

Let’s start with definitions. The various Jakarta EE specifications use the phrase application server but don’t specifically define it. The phrase is often used in a way where it would be interchangeable with terms such as runtime, container, or platform. For instance, the specification documents from the following specs mention things like the following:

◉ Jakarta authorization: “The Application server must bundle or install the PolicyContext class…”

◉ Jakarta messaging: “A ServerSessionPool object is an object implemented by an application server to provide a pool of ServerSession objects…”

◉ Jakarta connectors: “This method is called by an application server (that is capable of lazy connection association optimization) in order to dissociate a ManagedConnection…”

The Jakarta EE 9 platform specification doesn’t explicitly define an application server either, but section 2.12.1 does say the following:

A Jakarta EE Product Provider is the implementor and supplier of a Jakarta EE product that includes the component containers, Jakarta EE platform APIs, and other features defined in this specification. A Jakarta EE Product Provider is typically an application server vendor, a web server vendor, a database system vendor, or an operating system vendor. A Jakarta EE Product Provider must make available the Jakarta EE APIs to the application components through containers.

The term container is equivalent to engine, and very early J2EE documents speak about the “Servlet Engine.”

Thus, the various specification documents do not really specify what an application server is, and when they do mention it, it’s basically the same as a container or runtime. In practice, when someone speaks about an application server, this means something that includes all of the following:

◉ It is separately installed on the server or virtual machine.

◉ It listens to networking ports after it is started (and typically includes an HTTP server).

◉ It acts as a deployment target for applications (typically in the form of a well-defined archive), which can be both deployed and undeployed.

◉ It runs multiple applications at the same time (typically weakly isolated from each other in some way).

◉ It has facilities for provisioning resources (such as database connections, messaging queues, and identity stores) for the application to consume.

◉ It contains a full-stack API and the API’s implementation for consumption by applications.

In addition, an application server may include the following:

◉ A graphical user interface or command-line interface to administer the application server

◉ Facilities for clustering (so load and data can be distributed over a network)

Pushback against the full-fledged application server

The application server model has specific advantages when shrink-wrapped software needs to be deployed into an organization and integrated with other software running there. In such situations, for example, an application server can eliminate the need for users to authenticate themselves with every application. Instead, the application server might use a central Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) service as its identity store for employees, allowing applications running on the application server to share that service.

This model, however, can be less ideal when an organization develops and operates its own public-facing web applications. In that case, the application needs to exert more control. For instance, instead of using the same LDAP service employees use, the organization’s customers would have a separate registration system and login screen implemented by the developers.

Here, an application server can be an obstacle because part of the security would need to be done outside of the application, often by an IT operations (Ops) team, who may not even know the application developers.

For example, an application server that hosts production applications is often shielded from the developer (Dev) team and is touched by only the Ops team. However, some problems on the server really belong in the Dev domain because they apply to in-house application development. This can lead to tickets that bounce between the Dev and Ops teams as the Dev team tries to steer the actions that only the Ops team is allowed to perform. (Note: The DevOps movement is an attempt to solve this long-standing problem.)

Another issue concerns the installed libraries within the application server. The exact versions of these the libraries, and the potential need to patch or update them, is often a Dev concern. For instance, the Ops team manages routers, networks, Linux servers, and so on and that team might not be very aware of the intricate details of Mojarra 2.3.1 versus Mojarra 2.3.2 or the need to patch the FacesServlet implementation.

Modern obsolescence: Docker and Kubernetes

The need for having an installed application server as the prime mechanism to share physical server resources started to diminish somewhat with the rise of virtual servers. A decade ago, you might see teams deploying a single application to a single dedicated application server running inside a virtual server. This practice, though, was uncommon enough that in 2013 the well-known Java EE consultant Adam Bien wrote a dedicated blog post about this practice that received some pushback. One of the arguments against Bien’s idea was that running an entire (virtual) operating system for a single application would waste resources.

Almost exactly at the same time as Bien wrote his post, the Docker container platform was released. Containers run on a single operating system and, therefore, largely take the resource-wasting argument away. While containers themselves had been around since the 1970s, Docker added a deployment model and a central repository for container images (Docker Hub) that exploded in popularity.

With a deployment tool at hand, and the knowledge that fewer resources are wasted, deploying an application server running a single application finally went mainstream. Specifically, the native deployment feature and, above all, the undeployment feature of an application server are not really used, because most Docker deployments are static.

In 2015 the Kubernetes container orchestration system appeared, and it quickly became popular for managing many instances of (mostly) Docker containers. For Java EE application servers, Kubernetes means that Java EE’s native clustering facilities are not really used, because tasks such as load balancing are now managed by Kubernetes.

Around the same time, the serverless microservices execution model became more popular with cloud providers. This meant that the deployment unit didn’t need its own HTTP server. Instead, the deployment unit contained code that is called by the serverless server of the cloud provider. The result was that for such an environment, the built-in HTTP server of a Java EE or Jakarta EE application server is not needed anymore. Obviously, such code needs to provide an interface the cloud provider can call. There’s currently no standard for this, though Oracle is working with the Cloud Native Computing Foundation on a specification for this area.

The Jakarta EE APIs

Without deployments, without running multiple applications, without an HTTP server, and without clustering, a Jakarta EE application server is essentially reduced to the Jakarta EE APIs.

Interestingly, this is how the Servlet API (the first Java EE API) began. In its early versions, servlet containers had no notion of a deployed application archive and they didn’t have a built-in HTTP server. Instead, servlets were functions that were individually added to a servlet container, which was then paired with an existing HTTP server.

Despite some initial resistance from within the Java EE community, the APIs that touched the managed-container application server model started to transition to a life outside the application server. This included HttpServletRequest#login, which began the move away from the strict container-managed security model, and @DataSourceDefinition, which allowed an application to define the same type of data source (and connection pool) that before could be defined only on the application server.

In Java EE 8 (released in 2017), application security received a major overhaul with Jakarta Security, which had an explicit goal of making security fully configurable without any application server specifics.

For application servers, several choices are available, such as Oracle WebLogic Server.

What if you’re not looking for a full application server? Because there is tremendous value in the Jakarta EE APIs themselves, several products have sprung up that are not application servers but that do provide Jakarta EE APIs. Among these products are Helidon, Piranha Cloud, and Hammock, which shall be examined next.

Project Helidon

Project Helidon is an interesting runtime that’s not an application server. Of the three platforms I’ll examine, it’s the only one fully suitable for production use today.

Helidon is from Oracle, which is also known for Oracle WebLogic Server—one of the first application servers out there (going back all the way to the 1990s) and one that best embodies the application server concept.

Helidon is a lightweight set of libraries that doesn’t require an application server. It comes in two variants: Helidon SE and Helidon MP (MicroProfile).

Helidon SE. Helidon SE does not use any of the Servlet APIs but instead uses its own lightweight API, which is heavily inspired by Java functional programming. The following shows a very minimal example:





          (request, response) -> response.send("Hi!"))



Here’s an example that uses a full handler class, which is somewhat like using a servlet.





               rules -> rules.get("/", new HelloHandler()))



public class HelloHandler implements Handler {


    public void accept(ServerRequest req, ServerResponse res) {




In the Helidon native API, many types are functional types (one abstract method), so despite a class being used for the Handler in this example to contrast it to a servlet, a lambda could have been used. By default, Helidon SE launches an HTTP server in these examples at a random port, but it can be configured to use a specific port as well.

Helidon MP. With Helidon MP, you declare a dependency to Helidon in the pom.xml file and add it to the Helidon parent POM. You then write normal MicroProfile/Jakarta EE code (for the Jakarta EE libraries that Helidon MP supports). After the build, you get a runnable JAR file including your code. A minimal example for such a pom.xml file looks as follows:

<project xmlns=""










        <relativePath />

























This runnable JAR file neither contains nor loads the Helidon libraries. Instead, those libraries are referenced via META-INF/MANIFEST.MF to be in the /libs folder relative to where the executable JAR file exists.

After building, such as by using the mvn package, you can run the generated JAR file using the following command:

java -jar target/example.jar

This command will start the Helidon server, and this time you do get a default port at 8080. Besides the MicroProfile APIs, which is what Helidon focuses on primarily, the following Jakarta EE APIs are supported:

◉ Jakarta CDI: Weld

◉ Jakarta JSON-P/B: Yasson

◉ Jakarta REST: Jersey

◉ Jakarta WebSockets: Tyrus

◉ Jakarta Persistence: EclipseLink, Hibernate

◉ Jakarta Transactions: Narayana

Piranha Cloud

Piranha Cloud is a relatively new project; although it started as a very low-key project a couple of years ago, it didn’t pick up pace until October 2019, as you can see in Figure 1, which shows the GitHub commit graph.

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Figure 1. The GitHub commit graph for Piranha Cloud

As of mid-April 2021, Piranha was not yet production-ready, and it is mostly of interest to developers who want to see how a Jakarta EE and MicroProfile runtime is being built and is evolving.

Piranha comes in four versions: Nano, Embedded, Micro, and Server. Each version adds features essentially following the list mentioned earlier for application server functionality. Figure 2 is a high-level overview of the Piranha architecture with respect to the four versions.

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Figure 2. The Piranha Cloud architecture

Here’s more detail about each version.

Piranha Nano. Piranha Nano essentially runs only a single servlet on a flat classpath, forgoing several servlet features, for example, many of the listeners and support for sessions. It’s therefore specifically suited for serverless computing using a familiar Servlet API that’s a subset of the full API. This means servlets created for Piranha Nano will run on other servlet containers as well, but Nano will not run all regular servlet applications.

Piranha Nano is programmatically set up, for instance, from a main() method in a regular Java class. Here is a somewhat contrived Hello World example; running this from a main method will yield “Hello, World!”

ByteArrayOutputStream outputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();

new NanoPiranhaBuilder()
    .servlet("HelloWorldServlet", new HttpServlet() {
        protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
            throws IOException, ServletException {
            response.getWriter().print(“Hello, World!”);
        new NanoRequestBuilder()
        new NanoResponseBuilder()


As mentioned earlier, Piranha Nano will not run every existing servlet. It can run Jakarta Server Pages and Apache Wicket pages.

Piranha Embedded. Like Piranha Nano, Piranha Embedded runs on a flat classpath and is programmatically set up. It supports the full Servlet API—well, that’s the goal. As of the time of this writing, it passes about 92% of the Jakarta EE 9.1 Servlet TCK (Technology Compatibility Kit).

Piranha Embedded doesn’t start an HTTP server. Requests and responses can be programmatically created and passed in, but there are also various convenience methods using default versions of those. Using the programmatic API, a representation of a web application archive (WAR) is created, and the API can create elements such as web.xml when needed. No classes or JAR files need to be added. Because of the flat classpath, those are directly available to Piranha Embedded from the classpath used by the code that embeds it.

Because of this, Piranha Embedded can be used in the same way as a mocking framework for various Jakarta libraries, with the important difference that it’s testing against an actual implementation. Here’s an example.

    new EmbeddedPiranhaBuilder()
        .stringResource("/index.xhtml", """
            <!DOCTYPE html>

            <html lang="en" xmlns:h="">
                    <title>Hello Jakarta Faces</title>
                    Hello Jakarta Faces

In this example, a resource named index.xhtml with a simple Facelets message as content is set in the root of a temporary web application. In addition to this single resource, a ServletContainerInitializer is set; in this example, it’s one that initializes Mojarra (a Jakarta Server Faces implementation). Mojarra itself is on the classpath of this code.

The buildAndStart() runs the initializer, causing Mojarra to start and install the FacesServlet mapped to *.xhtml. No HTTP server is started. When the code calls the service() method for index.xhtml, this results in an EmbeddedRequest being created and passed into the EmbeddedPiranha code, eventually reaching the FacesServlet code. This servlet will then try to find index.xhtml via the internal ServletContext, which will return the content set via the builder used in the code above. Mojarra then processes the template and writes the response, which is the object returned by the service() method.

If you need more control over the request and even the response, you can create those objects yourself and pass them into the service method.

EmbeddedPiranha piranha =
    new EmbeddedPiranhaBuilder()
    .stringResource("/index.xhtml", """
        <!DOCTYPE html>

        <html lang="en" xmlns:h="">
                <title>Hello Jakarta Faces</title>
                Hello Jakarta Faces

EmbeddedRequest request =
    new EmbeddedRequestBuilder()
EmbeddedResponse response = new EmbeddedResponse();

piranha.service(request, response);

Piranha Micro. Piranha Micro builds on the same core as Piranha Embedded, but it adds several major components, including an isolating class loader, the ability to run full WAR files, an optional HTTP server, the ability to run from the command line, and an extension mechanism for Jakarta EE and Jakarta MP components. When no such extension is specified, Piranha Micro uses a default extension that supports the following minimal set of Jakarta EE components:

◉ Jakarta Servlet (and transitive dependencies of Jakarta Server Pages and Jakarta Expression Language)
◉ Jakarta Security (and transitive dependencies of Jakarta Authentication and Jakarta Authorization)
◉ Jakarta CDI (and transitive dependencies for Jakarta DI and Jakarta Interceptors)

Unlike many other servlet containers, Piranha Micro does not include a native security implementation on top of which the Jakarta security APIs are layered. Instead, Jakarta Security directly provides the implementation for servlet security. This means, for example, that the FORM authentication mechanism configured in web.xml is backed by the same code as the one configured by @FormAuthenticationMechanismDefinition.

For programmatic and embedded usage, Piranha Micro’s isolating class loader is an important asset. It fully shields the code running within Piranha Micro from the environment in which it is embedded. This is very useful for those situations where, for instance, CDI beans and service loaders from the environment should not be picked up by the code running within Piranha Micro. It’s a trade-off, though, because the full isolation makes any communication between the embedding and embedded code more difficult. Plus, there’s a potential higher cost in memory usage.

Piranha Micro uses ShrinkWrap as its native format to handle WAR files. ShrinkWrap is easy to use to programmatically create archives of all kinds, and it directly connects to tools such as the Arquillian microservices test suite, which uses the same archive format.

Using a builder similar to the one used by Piranha Embedded, you can mimic the example used above but this time using Piranha Micro.

System.out.println(new MicroEmbeddedPiranhaBuilder()
              .addAsWebResource(new StringAsset( """
                  <!DOCTYPE html>

                  <html lang="en" xmlns:h="">
                          <title>Hello Jakarta Faces</title>
                          Hello Jakarta Faces
                  """), "index.xhtml")
              .addAsWebInfResource(EmptyAsset.INSTANCE, "faces-config.xml")

This code creates a ShrinkWrap archive containing the same Facelet as in the previous example, but it also creates an empty faces-config.xml to trigger the initialization of Jakarta Server Faces and it includes Mojarra (a Jakarta Server Faces implementation JAR file) in the archive.

Using the same ShrinkWrap API, you can load an existing WAR file from disk, add individual files from disk, add copies of classes from the classpath, and so on.

For command-line usage, a JAR file named piranha-micro.jar is available, which can be used to start a web application from a file, for example. This version starts an HTTP server by default. Using it looks as follows:

java -jar piranha-micro.jar --war someapp.war

The default port is 8080, so assuming the archive shown in the example above was saved to someapp.war on disk, you would be able to request the same page using the following:

wget localhost:8080/index.xhtml

An interesting aspect of piranha-micro.jar is that it has the feel of a hollow JAR file (prepackaged runtime with all its dependencies in one JAR file), but it’s actually a loader. The JAR file contains its own (shaded) copy of Maven, which it uses to load the Piranha Micro core classes and dependencies, as well as any extensions. Furthermore, piranha-micro.jar contains ShrinkWrap to load a .war from a file or, in exploded form, from a directory. Dependency JAR files and the application archive are loaded and executed from memory, which provides a particular advantage: Contrary to some hollow JAR solutions, no unpacking to a temporary folder is needed.

Piranha Server. As its name implies, Piranha Server comes closest to a traditional application server, although with a twist.

Like a traditional application server, Piranha Server is the only member of the Piranha family that is installed, that functions as a deployment target, and that runs multiple applications. But if those traditional products support a hollow JAR version, that hollow JAR version is technically speaking (almost) the full server, with the server facilities just hidden. For Piranha Server, it’s the other way around.

The Piranha Server variant is a small shell that starts an HTTP server and instantiates an embedded Piranha Micro instance (without an HTTP server, obviously) for each deployed application. Because of the strongly isolating class loader used by a Piranha Micro instance, each application uses its own version of the Jakarta EE libraries. This is significantly different from a traditional Jakarta EE server, where those libraries are loaded once and shared by every application that is deployed.

Because it loads a fresh set of Jakarta EE libraries for each application, Piranha Server can support different versions of Jakarta EE simultaneously, as shown in Figure 3.

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Figure 3. The architecture of Piranha Server running instances of Piranha Micro

Piranha Server obviously uses much more memory when running multiple applications than a traditional application server would, especially when many applications are deployed (say, tens or even hundreds). However, it uses fewer resources than running many servlet runtimes, each with a single application.

By the way, Piranha Server can be configured to use Piranha Embedded instead of Piranha Micro, thus allowing the applications to share the Jakarta EE libraries, as shown in Figure 4. A future variant of Piranha Server will allow you to mix Piranha Micro and Piranha Embedded applications.

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Figure 4. The architecture of Piranha Server running instances of Piranha Embedded


Hammock was one of first runtimes to use the Java EE libraries without being a full-fledged application server. The Hammock project was started in 2014 by John Ament as a combination of RESTEasy (Jakarta REST), Undertow (Jakarta Servlet), and Weld (Jakarta CDI).

Hammock is not an application server. It has no concept of EJB support, it doesn’t support any of the management extensions or deployment requirements. It doesn’t run WAR files, it uses uber-jars to have a simple executable or can be deployed exploded.

Hammock thus focuses on the uber-JAR concept, where a developer adds Hammock as a dependency to a project, and the build then results in a runnable JAR file that contains both Hammock and the application code. With Hammock, there is no concept whatsoever of installing anything, functioning as a deployment target, or running multiple applications.

Something that sets Hammock aside is that it started to support alternative implementations for all the Jakarta APIs that it uses via pluggable Maven dependencies, such as ws.ament.hammock:bootstrap-weld3 for CDI.

Hammock supports the following:

◉ Jakarta CDI: Weld, OpenWebBeans
◉ Jakarta JSON-P: Johnzon
◉ Jakarta Servlet: Tomcat, Undertow, Jetty
◉ Jakarta REST: CFX, Jersey, RESTEasy
◉ Jakarta Persistence: Hibernate, EclipseLink, OpenJPA
◉ Jakarta Messaging: Artemis

Hammock was among the first products to support the initial MicroProfile specification (which consisted only of Java EE APIs then). It added support for later MicroProfile versions by incorporating Apache components.


Friday, May 27, 2022

The not-so-hidden gems in Java 18: The JDK Enhancement Proposals

Five of Java 18’s JEPs add new features or major enhancements. See what they do and how they work.

Java 18 was officially released in March, and it included nine implemented JDK Enhancement Proposals (JEPs).

This article covers five of the JEPs in Java 18. The companion article, “The hidden gems in Java 18: The subtle changes,” goes over Java 18’s small improvements and changes that aren’t reflected in those JEPs. It also talks about the four JEPs that are incubators, previews, and deprecations.

Because these articles were researched prior to the March 22 general availability date, I used the Java 18 RC-build 36 jshell tool to demonstrate the code. However, if you would like to test the features, you can follow along with me by downloading the latest release candidate (or the general availability version), firing up a terminal window, checking your version, and running jshell, as follows. Note that you might see a newer version of the build.

[mtaman]:~ java -version

 openjdk version "18" 2022-03-22

 OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 18+36-2087)

 OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 18+36-2087, mixed mode, sharing)

[mtaman]:~ jshell --enable-preview

|  Welcome to JShell -- Version 18

|  For an introduction type: /help intro


The nine JEPs in the Java 18 release as are follows:

◉ JEP 400: UTF-8 by default

◉ JEP 408: Simple Web Server

◉ JEP 413: Code snippets in Java API documentation

◉ JEP 416: Reimplement core reflection with method handles

◉ JEP 417: Vector API (third incubator)

◉ JEP 418: Internet address resolution service provider interface

◉ JEP 419: Foreign Function and Memory API (second incubator)

◉ JEP 420: Pattern matching for switch (second preview)

◉ JEP 421: Deprecate finalization for removal

Two of the JEPs are incubator features, one is a preview, and is one is a deprecation, that is, a JEP that prepares developers for the removal of a feature. In this article, I’ll walk through the other five JEPs, and I will not explore the incubators, the preview, and the deprecation.

JEP 400: UTF-8 by default

UTF-8 is a variable-width character encoding for electronic communication and is considered the web’s standard character set (charset). It can encode all the characters of any human language.

The Java standard charset determines how a string is converted to bytes and vice versa. It is used by many methods of the JDK library classes, mainly when you’re reading and writing text files using, for example, the FileReader, FileWriter, InputStreamReader, OutputStreamWriter, Formatter, and Scanner constructors, as well as the URLEncoder encode() and decode() static methods.

Prior to Java 18, the standard Java charset could vary based on the runtime environment’s language settings and operating systems. Such differences could lead to unpredictable behavior when an application was developed and tested in one environment and then run in another environment where the Java default charset changed.

Consider a pre-Java 18 example that writes and reads Arabic text. Run the following code on Linux or macOS to write Arabic content (which means “Welcome all with Java JEP 400”) to the Jep400-example.txt file:

private static void writeToFile() {

   try (FileWriter writer = new FileWriter("Jep400-example.txt");

   BufferedWriter bufferedWriter = new BufferedWriter(writer)) {

      bufferedWriter.write("مرحبا بكم في جافا جيب ٤٠٠");


   catch (IOException e) {




Then read the file back using a Windows system and the following code:

private static void readFromFile() {

   try (FileReader reader = new FileReader("Jep400-example.txt");

   BufferedReader bufferedReader = new BufferedReader(reader)) {

      String line = bufferedReader.readLine();



   catch (IOException e) {




The output will be the following:

٠رحبا ب٠٠٠٠جا٠ا ج٠ب Ù¤Ù Ù

This rubbish output happens because, under Linux and macOS, Java saves the file with the default UTF-8 encoding format, but Windows reads the file using the Windows-1252 encoding format.

This problem becomes even worse when you mix text in the same program by writing the file using an older facility, FileWriter, and then reading the contents using newer I/O class methods such as Files writeString(), readString(), newBufferedWriter(), and newBufferedReader(), as in the following:

private static void writeReadFromFile() {

   try (FileWriter writer = new FileWriter("Jep400-example.txt");

   BufferedWriter bufferedWriter = new BufferedWriter(writer)) {

      bufferedWriter.write("مرحبا بكم في جافا جيب ٤٠٠");


      var message = Files.readString(Path.of("Jep400-example.txt"));



   catch (IOException e) {




Running the program under Linux and macOS will print the Arabic content without any problem, but doing so on Windows will print the following:

????? ??? ?? ???? ??? ???

These question marks are printed because newer APIs don’t respect the default OS character set and always used UTF-8; so in this case, the file is written with FileWriter using the Windows-1252 charset. When Files.readString(Path.of("Jep400-example.txt")) reads back the file, the method use UTF-8 regardless of the standard charset.

The best solution is to specify the charset when you’re reading or writing files and when calling all methods that convert strings to bytes (and vice versa).

You might think another solution is to set the default charset with the file.encoding system property, as follows:

var fileWriter = new FileWriter("Jep400-example.txt", StandardCharsets.UTF_8);

var fileReader = new FileReader("Jep400-example.txt", StandardCharsets.UTF_8);

Files.readString(Path.of("Jep400-example.txt"), StandardCharsets.UTF_8);

What happens?

[mtaman]:~ java -Dfile.encoding=US-ASCII


The result is rubbish because the FileWriter respects the default encoding system property, while Files.readString() ignores it and uses UTF-8. Therefore, the correct encoding should be used to run correctly with -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8.

The goal of JEP 400 is to standardize the Java API default charset to UTF-8, so that APIs that depend on the default charset will behave consistently across all implementations, operating systems, locales, and configurations. Therefore, if you run the previous snippets on Java 18, the code will produce the correct contents.

JEP 408: Simple Web Server

Many development environments let programmers start up a rudimentary HTTP web server to test some functionality for static files. That capability comes to Java 18 through JEP 408.

The simplest way to start the web server is with the jwebserver command. By default, this command listens to localhost on port 8000. The server also provides a file browser to the current directory.

[mtaman]:~ jwebserver 

Binding to loopback by default. For all interfaces use "-b" or "-b ::".

Serving /Users/mohamed_taman/Hidden Gems in Java 18/code and subdirectories on port 8000


If you visit, you will see a directory listing in your web browser, and in the terminal you will see the following two lines: - - [06/Mar/2022:23:27:13 +0100] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 - - - [06/Mar/2022:23:27:13 +0100] "GET /favicon.ico HTTP/1.1" 404 –

You can change the jwebserver defaults with several parameters, as follows:

[mtaman]:~ jwebserver -b -p 9999 -d /tmp -o verbose 

Serving /tmp and subdirectories on port 9999


Here are a few of the parameters.

◉ -b specifies the IP address on which the server should listen.

◉ -p changes the port.

◉ -d changes the directory the server should serve.

◉ -o configures the log output.

For a complete list of configuration options, run jwebserver -h.

The web server is simple, as its name implies, and has the following limitations:

◉ Only the HTTP GET and HEAD methods are allowed.

◉ The only supported protocol is HTTP/1.1.

◉ HTTPS is not provided.

The API. Fortunately, you can extend and run the server programmatically from the Java API. That’s because jwebserver itself is not a standalone tool; it is a wrapper that calls java -m jdk.httpserver. This command calls the main() method of the class of the jdk.httpserver module, which, in turn, calls SimpleFileServerImpl.start(). This starter evaluates the command-line parameters and creates the server via SimpleFileServer.createFileServer().

You can start a server via Java code as follows:

// Creating the server

HttpServer server = SimpleFileServer.createFileServer(new InetSocketAddress(9999), Path.of("\tmp"), OutputLevel.INFO);

// Starting the server


With the Java API, you can extend the web server. For example, you can make specific file system directories accessible via different HTTP paths, and you can implement your handlers to use your choice of paths and HTTP methods, such as PUT and POST. Check the JEP 408 documentation for more API details.

JEP 413: Code snippets in Java API documentation

Prior to Java 18, if you wanted to integrate multiline code snippets into Java documentation (that is, into Javadoc), you had to do it tediously via <pre> ... </pre> and sometimes with {@code ...}. With these tags, you must pay attention to the following two points:

◉ You can’t put line breaks between <pre> and </pre>, which means you may not get the formatting you want.

◉ The code starts directly after the asterisks, so if there are spaces between the asterisks and the code, they also appear in the Javadoc.

Here’s an example that uses <pre> and </pre>.


  * How to read a text file with Java 8:


  * <pre><b>try</b> (var reader = Files.<i>newBufferedReader</i>(path)) {

  *    String line = reader.readLine();

  *    System.out.println(line);

  * }</pre>


This code will appear in the Javadoc as shown in Figure 1.

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Figure 1. Example using <pre> and </pre>

Here’s an example that uses <pre> and {@code ...}.

     * How to read a text file with Java 8:
     * <pre>{@code try (var reader = Files.newBufferedReader(path)) {
     *    String line = reader.readLine();
     *    System.out.println(line);
     * }}</pre>

Figure 2 shows the output Javadoc.

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Figure 2. Example using <pre> and {@code}

The difference between the two examples is that in the first example with <pre>, you can format the code with HTML tags such as <b> and <i>, but in the second example with {@code}, such tags would not be evaluated but instead the code would be displayed as is.

JEP 413 introduces the @snippet tag for Javadoc’s standard doclet to simplify the inclusion of example source code in the API documentation. Among the goals of JEP 413 are the following:

◉ Facilitating the validation of source code fragments by providing API access to those fragments; however, correctness is the author’s responsibility

◉ Enabling modern styling, such as syntax highlighting and the automatic linkage of names to declarations

◉ Promoting better IDE support for creating and editing snippets

Using the @snippet tag, you can rewrite the example from Figure 1, which used the <pre> tag, as follows:

     * How to read a text file with Java 8:
     * {@snippet :
     *  try (var reader = Files.newBufferedReader(path)) {
     *      String line = reader.readLine();
     *      System.out.println(line);
     *  }
     * }

Figure 3 shows how this rewritten code would appear in the Javadoc.

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Figure 3. Example using @snippet

You can do more with @snippet. For instance, you can highlight parts of the code using @highlight. The following code highlights the readLine() method within the second line of code:

     * How to read a text file with Java 8:
     * {@snippet :
     *  try (var reader = Files.newBufferedReader(path)) {
     *      String line = reader.readLine(); // @highlight substring="readLine()"
     *      System.out.println(line);
     *  }
     * }

The output Javadoc appears as shown in Figure 4.

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Figure 4. Example using @highlight

Within the block marked with @highlight and @end below, you can highlight all the words beginning with line by using type="…", which can specify one of the following: bold, italic, or highlighted (with a colored background):

     * How to read a text file with Java 8:
     * {@snippet :
     * // @highlight region regex="\bline\b" type="highlighted"
     * try (var reader = Files.newBufferedReader(path)) {
     *     String line = reader.readLine();
     *     System.out.println(line);
     *  }
     * // @end
     * }

Then the code would appear in the Javadoc as shown in Figure 5.

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Figure 5. Example using type=

Using @link, you can link a part of the text, such as Files.newBufferedReader, to its Javadoc. Note that the colon at the end of the line with the @link tag is essential in this case, and it means that the comment refers to the next line.

     * How to read a text file with Java 8:
     * {@snippet :
     * // @link substring="Files.newBufferedReader" target="Files#newBufferedReader" :
     * try (var reader = Files.newBufferedReader(path)) {
     *      String line = reader.readLine();
     *      System.out.println(line);
     * }
     * }

Figure 6 shows how the code would appear in the Javadoc.

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Figure 6. Example using @link

You could also write the comment at the end of the following line, just like in the first @highlight example, or you could use @link and @end to specify a part within which all occurrences of Files.newBufferedReader should be linked.

JEP 416: Reimplement core reflection with method handles

Sometimes I want to do Java reflection, such as reading a private id field of a Person object’s class via reflection.


import lombok.Builder;
import lombok.Data;

public class Person {
    private Long id;
    private String name;

Surprisingly, there are two ways to do that. First, I can use core reflection, as follows:

private static Long getLongId(Object obj) throws Exception {
          Field id = obj.getClass().getDeclaredField("id");
          return (Long) id.get(obj);

Alternatively, I can use method handles, as shown below.

private static Long getLongId2(Object obj) throws Exception {
          VarHandle handle =
                 MethodHandles.privateLookupIn(Person.class, MethodHandles.lookup())
                        .findVarHandle(Person.class, "id", Long.class);
          return (Long) handle.get(obj);

If you call both options from main, you’ll see that they print the same value, verifying that they both work.

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
   Person person = Person.builder()
                  .name("Mohamed Taman")

   System.out.println("Person Id (Core reflection): " + getLongId(person));
   System.out.println("Person Id (method handles): " + getLongId2(person));

Person Id (Core reflection): 2
Person Id (method handles):  2

A third hidden option happens under the hood: leveraging additional native JVM methods used by the core reflection for the first few calls after starting the JVM. After a while, the JVM begins compiling and optimizing the Java reflection bytecode.

Maintaining all three of these options would necessitate a significant amount of effort from the JDK team. As a result, the core reflection reimplementation with method handles, as in JEP 416, now reimplements lang.reflect.Method, Constructor, and Field on top of java.lang.invoke method handles. The use of method handles as the underlying mechanism for reflection reduces the maintenance and development costs of the java.lang.reflect and java.lang.invoke APIs; thus, it is good for the future of the platform.

JEP 418: Internet address resolution service provider interface

JEP 418 enhances the currently limited implementation of by developing a service provider interface (SPI) for hostname and address resolution. The SPI allows to use resolvers other than the operating system’s native resolver, which is usually set up to use a combination of a local hosts file and the domain name system (DNS).

Here are the benefits of providing Java with name and address resolution SPI resolvers.

◉ It enables the seamless integration of new emerging network protocols such as DNS over Quick UDP Internet Connections (QUIC), Transport Layer Security (TLS), or HTTPS.

◉ Customization gives frameworks and applications more control over resolution results and the ability to retrofit existing libraries with a custom resolver.

◉ It would allow Project Loom to work more efficiently. The current InetAddress API resolution operation blocks an OS call, which is a problem for Loom’s user-mode virtual threads. Platform threads cannot service other virtual threads while waiting for a resolution operation to be completed. Therefore, an alternative resolver could directly implement the DNS client protocol without blocking.

◉ It would allow developers more control of hostname and address resolution results when prototyping and testing, which is often required.

Here’s a quick example that doesn’t use the new JEP 418 SPI to obtain all the IP addresses of a hostname ( You can use one of the InetAddress class methods, such as getByName(String host) or getAllByName(String host). For reverse lookups (to get the IP address of the hostname), use getCanonicalHostName() or getHostName(), as follows:

public static void main(String[] args) throws UnknownHostException {
    InetAddress[] addresses = InetAddress.getAllByName("");
    System.out.println("address(es) = " + Arrays.toString(addresses));

By default, InetAddress uses the operating system’s resolver, and on my computer this code prints the following:

Address(es) = [, 

Next, try that sample task using an SPI in Java 18 to change the resolution address for internal use. First, create a resolver by implementing the interface

public class MyInetAddressResolver implements InetAddressResolver {
    public Stream<InetAddress> lookupByName(String host, LookupPolicy lookupPolicy) throws UnknownHostException {
        return Stream.of(InetAddress.getByAddress(new byte[]{127, 0, 0, 4}));

    public String lookupByAddress(byte[] addr) {
        return null;

This code implements preliminary functionality, but it doesn’t support reverse lookups. Therefore implement a resolver provider by implementing, which returns an instance of a previously implemented resolver by its get() method, as follows:


public class MyInetAddressResolverProvider extends InetAddressResolverProvider {
    public InetAddressResolver get(Configuration configuration) {
        return new MyInetAddressResolver();

    public String name() {
        return "Java Magazine Internet Address Resolver Provider";

Finally, register this resolver SPI to be used by the JDK by creating a file with the name under the META-INF/services folder, adding to the file the following entry:

Run the same code in the main method as before, and you should see the following output:

addresses = [/]


Wednesday, May 25, 2022

It’s time to move your applications to Java 17. Here’s why—and how.

What you need to know about code migration from the previous Long-Term-Support versions of the platform: Java 11 and Java 8

Java 17, the next Long-Term-Support (LTS) version of the Java language and runtime platform, will be officially released on September 14. Unfortunately, many applications still run on old versions of Java, such as the previous LTS versions: Java 11 and Java 8. This article explains why you should upgrade your application and helps you with the actual upgrade to Java 17.

But first, here’s the question many of you may be asking: “Why upgrade?”

Why would anyone even care to upgrade to the latest Java version? It’s reasonable to wonder, especially if your applications run perfectly well on Java 8, Java 11, Java 14, or whatever version you are using. Upgrading to Java 17 requires effort, especially if the goal is to truly leverage the new language features and functionality within the JVM.

Yes, it might require some effort to upgrade depending on the environment and the application. Developers and other team members need to update their local environment. Then the build environments and runtime environments, such as those for production, require an upgrade as well.

Fortunately, many projects and organizations use Docker, which helps a lot in this effort. In my own organization, teams define their own continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipelines, and they run everything in Docker images. Teams can upgrade to the latest Java version by simply specifying that version in their Docker image—and this doesn’t impact other teams who might be running on older Java versions, because those teams can use older Docker images.

The same goes for test and production environments running on Kubernetes. Whenever a team wants to upgrade to a newer Java release, they can change the Docker images themselves and then deploy everything. (Of course, if you still have shared build environments, or other teams who manage your environments, the process might be a bit more challenging.)

Applications might require some changes as well. I’ve noticed that teams find it challenging to estimate that amount of work, resulting in estimates of weeks to months for upgrading one application from Java 8 to Java 11. Those high estimates often result in the company postponing the upgrade because of other priorities.

I managed to upgrade one application, which was estimated to take several weeks, in only a matter of days, mainly due to waiting for builds to complete. That was partly due to years of upgrade experience, but it’s also a matter of just getting started and trying to fix issues along the way. It’s a nice job for a Friday afternoon; seeing how far you get and what challenges are left makes it easier to estimate the remaining work.

However, even after years of experience, I cannot estimate how long an upgrade will take without having in-depth information about the project. A lot depends on how many dependencies your application has. Often, upgrading your dependencies to the latest version resolves many of the issues that would occur during a Java upgrade.

LTS releases

This article keeps referring to Java 8, Java 11, and Java 17 as LTS releases. What does that mean? Here’s a quote from the Oracle Java SE support roadmap:

For product releases after Java SE 8, Oracle will designate a release, every three years, as a Long-Term-Support (LTS) release. Java SE 11 is an LTS release. For the purposes of Oracle Premier Support, non-LTS releases are considered a cumulative set of implementation enhancements of the most recent LTS release. Once a new feature release is made available, any previous non-LTS release will be considered superseded. For example, Java SE 9 was a non-LTS release and immediately superseded by Java SE 10 (also non-LTS), Java SE 10 in turn is immediately superseded by Java SE 11. Java SE 11 however is an LTS release, and therefore Oracle Customers will receive Oracle Premier Support and periodic update releases, even though Java SE 12 was released.

What needs to change during a Java upgrade?

Your application contains code you and your team wrote, and it probably contains dependencies also. If something is removed from the JDK, that might break the code, the dependencies, or both. It often helps to make sure those dependencies are up to date to resolve these issues. Sometimes you might have to wait until a framework releases a new version that is compatible with the latest Java version before you begin the upgrade process. This means that you have a good knowledge of the dependencies as part of the preupgrade evaluation process.

Most functionality isn’t removed all at once from the JDK. First, functionality is marked for deprecation. For instance, Java Architecture for XML Binding (JAXB) was marked for deprecation in Java 9 before being removed in Java 11. If you continuously update, then you see the deprecations and you can resolve any use of those features before the functionality is removed. However, if you are jumping straight from Java 8 to Java 17, this feature removal will hit you all at once.

To view the API changes and, for instance, see which methods are removed or added to the String API in a specific Java version, look at The Java Version Almanac, by Marc Hoffmann and Cay Horstmann.

Multirelease JAR functionality

What if your application is used by customers who still use an old JDK and an upgrade at their site is out of your control? Multirelease JAR functionality, introduced in Java 9 with JEP 238, might be useful because it allows you to package code for multiple Java versions (including versions older than Java 9) inside one JAR file.

As an example, create an Application class (Listing 1) and a Student class (Listing 2) and place them in the folder src/main/java/com/example. The Student class is a class that runs on Java 8.

Listing 1. The Application class

public class Application {

   public static void main(String[] args) {
       Student student = new Student("James ");
       System.out.println("Implementation " + student.implementation());
       System.out.println("Student name James contains a blank: " + student.isBlankName());

Listing 2. The Student class written for Java 8

public class Student {
   final private String firstName;

   public Student(String firstName) {
       this.firstName = firstName;

   boolean isBlankName() {
       return firstName == null || firstName.trim().isEmpty();

   static String implementation() { return "class"; }

Next to that, create a Student record (Listing 3) that uses not only records (introduced in Java 14) but also the String.isBlank() method (introduced in Java 11), and place it in the folder src/main/java17/com/example.

Listing 3. A Student record using newer Java features

public record Student(String firstName) {
   boolean isBlankName() {
       return firstName.isBlank();

   static String implementation() { return "record"; }

Some configuration is required depending on the build tool you use. A Maven example can be found in my GitHub repository. The example is built on Java 17 and creates the JAR file. When the JAR file is executed on JDK 17 or newer, the Student record is used. When the JAR file is executed on older versions, the Student class is used.

This feature is quite useful, for instance, if new APIs offer better performance, because you can use make use of those APIs for customers who have a recent Java version. The same JAR file can be used for customers with an older JDK, without the performance improvements.

Please be aware that all the implementations, in this case, the Student, should have the same public API to prevent runtime issues. Unfortunately build tools don’t verify the public APIs, but some IDEs do. Plus, with JDK 17 you can use the jar –validate command to validate the JAR file.

Something to be aware of is the preview functionality present in some versions of the JDK. Some bigger features are first released as previews and might result in a final feature in one of the next JDKs. Those preview features are present in both LTS and non-LTS versions of Java. The features are enabled with the enable-preview flag and are turned off by default. If you use those preview features in production code, be aware that they might change between JDK versions, which could result in the need for some debugging or refactoring.

More about Java deprecations and feature removals

Before upgrading the JDK, make sure your IDE, build tools, and dependencies are up to date. The Maven Versions Plugin and Gradle Versions Plugin show which dependencies you have and list the latest available version.

Be aware that these tools show only the new version for the artifacts you use—but sometimes the artifact names change, forks are made, or the code moves. For instance, JAXB was first available via javax.xml.bind:jaxb-api but changed to jakarta.xml.bind:jakarta.xml.bind-api after its transition to the Eclipse Foundation. To find such changes, you can use Jonathan Lermitage’s Old GroupIds Alerter plugin for Maven or his plugin for Gradle.

JavaFX. Starting with Java 11, the platform no longer contains JavaFX as part of the specification, and most JDK builds have removed it. You can use the separate JavaFX build from Gluon or add the OpenJFX dependencies to your project.

Fonts. Once upon a time, the JDK contained a few fonts, but as of Java 11 they were removed. If you use, for instance, Apache POI (a Java API for Microsoft Office–compatible documents), you will need fonts. The operating system needs to supply the fonts, since they are no longer present in the JDK. However, on operating systems such as Alpine Linux, the fonts must be installed manually using the apt install fontconfig command. Depending on which fonts you use, extra packages might be required.

Java Mission Control. This is a very useful tool for monitoring and profiling your application. I highly recommend looking into it. Java Mission Control was once included in the JDK, but now it’s available as a separate download under the new name: JDK Mission Control.

Java EE. The biggest change in JDK 11 was the removal of Java EE modules. Java EE modules such as JAXB, mentioned earlier, are used by many applications. You should add the relevant dependencies now that these modules are no longer present in the JDK. Table 1 lists the various modules and their dependencies. Please note that both JAXB and JAX-WS require two dependencies: one for the API and one for the implementation. Another change is the naming convention now that Java EE is maintained by the Eclipse Foundation under the name Jakarta EE. Your package imports need to reflect this change, so for instance jakarta.xml.bind.* should be used instead of javax.xml.bind.*.

Table 1. Java EE modules and their current replacements

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CORBA. There is no official replacement for Java’s CORBA module, which was removed in Java 11. However, Oracle GlassFish Server includes an implementation of CORBA.

Nashorn. Java 15 removed the Nashorn JavaScript engine. You can use the nashorn-core dependency if you still want to use the engine.

Experimental compilers. Java 17 removes support for GraalVM’s experimental ahead-of-time (AOT) and just-in-time (JIT) compiler, as explained in the documentation for JEP 410.

Look out for unsupported major files

You might see the error Unsupported class file major version 61. I’ve seen it with the JaCoCo code coverage library and various other Maven plugins. The major version 61 part of the message refers to Java 17. So in this case, it means that the version of the framework or tool you’re using doesn’t support Java 17. Therefore, you should upgrade the framework or tool to a new version. (If you see a message that contains major version 60, it relates to Java 16.)

Be aware that some tools such as Kotlin and Gradle don’t support Java 17 yet, at least as of the time I’m writing this (mid-August 2021). Sometimes it’s possible to work around that, for instance, by specifying Java 16 as the JVM target for Kotlin. However, I expect that Java 17 support will be added soon.

Encapsulated JDK internal APIs

Java 16 and Java 17 encapsulate JDK internal APIs, which impacts various frameworks such as Lombok. You might see errors such as module jdk.compiler does not export to unnamed module, which means your application no longer has access to that part of the JDK.

In general, I recommend upgrading all dependencies that use those internals and making sure your own code no longer uses them.

If that’s not possible, there is a workaround to still enable your application to access the internals. For instance, if you need access to the comp module, use the following:


However, use this workaround only as a last resort and preferably only temporarily, because you are circumventing important protections added by the Java team.
