Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Character isDigit() method in Java with examples

Oracle Java Tutorial and Material, Oracle Java Career, Oracle Java Exam Prep, Oracle Java Study Materials

1. The java.lang.Character.isDigit(char ch) is an inbuilt method in java which determines whether a specified character is a digit or not. There are few conditions that a character must accomplish to be accepted as a digit. That is if the general category type of a character, provided by Character.getType(ch), is DECIMAL_DIGIT_NUMBER, then the character is a digit.

Some Unicode character ranges that contain digits:

From ‘\u0030’ to ‘\u0039’ : ISO-LATIN-1 digits (‘0’ through ‘9’)

From ‘\u0660’ to ‘\u0669’ : Arabic-Indic digits

From ‘\u06F0’ to ‘\u06F9’ : Extended Arabic-Indic digits

From ‘\u0966’ to ‘\u096F’ : Devanagari digits

From ‘\uFF10’ to ‘\uFF19’ : Fullwidth digits

Apart from the above mentioned ranges, many other character ranges contain digits as well.


public static boolean isDigit(char ch)

Parameter: This method accepts character parameter ch as an argument, which is to be tested.

Return value: This method returns a boolean value. It returns True if ch is digit, else False.

Note: This method cannot handle supplementary characters. To support all Unicode characters, including supplementary characters, use the isDigit(int) method.

Below programs illustrate the above method:

Program 1:

// Java program to illustrate the

// Character.isDigit() method

import java.util.*;

import java.lang.*;

public class OJC {

public static void main(String[] args)


// two characters

char c1 = 'A', c2 = '4';

// Function to check if the character

// is digit or not


c1 + " is a digit -> "

+ Character.isDigit(c1));


c2 + " is a digit -> "

+ Character.isDigit(c2));




A is a digit -> false
4 is a digit -> true

Program 2:

// Java program to illustrate the
// Character.isDigit() method

import java.util.*;
import java.lang.*;

public class OJC {

public static int search_digit(String s)

// Function to check if is digit
// is found or not
for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) {
if (Character.isDigit(
== true) {
// return position of digit
return i + 1;
// return 0 if digit not present
return 0;

public static void main(String[] args)

// Array of strings
String[] arr = { "ABC4DEF", "QWERTY" };

// To store the position of digit
int index = 0;

// Traverse the array arr[] to find digit
// within it's elements
for (String x : arr) {
index = search_digit(x);
if (index != 0) {
"Digit found at : "
+ (index)
+ "th position.");
else {
"Digit not present.");


Digit found at : 4th position.
Digit not present.

2. The java.lang.Character.isDigit(int codePoint) is an inbuilt method in java which determines whether the specified Unicode code point character of integer type is a digit or not.

There are few conditions that a character must accomplish to be accepted as a digit. That is if the general category type of a character, provided by getType(codepoint), is a DECIMAL_DIGIT_NUMBER, then the character is a digit. Some Unicode character ranges that contain digits:

From ‘\u0030’ to ‘\u0039’ : ISO-LATIN-1 digits (‘0’ through ‘9’)
From ‘\u0660’ to ‘\u0669’ : Arabic-Indic digits
From ‘\u06F0’ to ‘\u06F9’ : Extended Arabic-Indic digits
From ‘\u0966’ to ‘\u096F’ : Devanagari digits
From ‘\uFF10’ to ‘\uFF19’ : Fullwidth digits

Apart from the above mentioned ranges, many other character ranges contain digits as well.


public static boolean isDigit(int codePoint)

Parameter: This method accepts unicode character parameter codePoint of integer type as an argument, which is to be tested.

Return value: This method returns a boolean value. It returns True if the specified character is digit, else it returns False.

Below programs illustrate the above method:

Program 1:

// This program demonstrates the use of
// isDigit(int codePoint) method of Character class.
import java.util.*;

public class OJC {
public static void main(String[] args)
// create codePoints
int cp1 = 57;
int cp2 = 84;

// Check whether the codePoints
// are digit or not.
"The codePoint cp1 is a digit -> "
+ Character.isDigit(cp1));
"The codePoint cp2 is a digit -> "
+ Character.isDigit(cp2));


The codePoint cp1 is a digit -> true
The codePoint cp2 is a digit -> false

Program 2:

// This program demonstrates the use of
// isDigit(int codePoint) method of
// Character class.
import java.util.*;

public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args)
// create codePoints
int cp1 = 0x50;
int cp2 = 0x06f8;

// Check whether the codePoints
// are digit or not.
"The codePoint cp1 is a digit -> "
+ Character.isDigit(cp1));
"The codePoint cp2 is a digit -> "
+ Character.isDigit(cp2));


The codePoint cp1 is a digit -> false
The codePoint cp2 is a digit -> true


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