Wednesday, August 25, 2021

DuoDecimal in Java

DuoDecimal in Java, Oracle Java Tutorial and Material, Oracle Java Study Material, Oracle Java Career, Java Preparation

Duodecimal represents a system which is a notation system in which a number having its base as 12 is called a duodecimal number. In java, we can use to find the conversation of duodecimal numbers into respective binary, octal, decimal, hexadecimal number, or any other base numbers. In java, we can use predefined packages or user-defined methods to perform the following conversion.

Let us portray out few sample sets  of duodecimal conversation into other based numbers which are listed below as follows:

The duodecimal number of (15b)12 is converted to the binary number (11010111)2

The duodecimal number of (182)12 is converted to the octal number (362)8

The duodecimal number of (262)12 is converted to the decimal number (362)10

The duodecimal number of(288052)12 is converted to the hexadecimal number (A563E)16

The duodecimal number of (58576a2)12 is converted to the hexatrigesimal number (A563E)32


There are certain steps required to convert into a duodecimal number which is listed below as follows:

1. Take a hexadecimal number as user input.

2. Create a user-defined function to convert it into a decimal number.

3. Create another user-defined function that will convert a decimal number into a duodecimal number.

4. Print the resultant duodecimal number.


// Java Program Illustrating DuodecimalNumber via Conversion

// of Hexadecimal Numbers into Duodecimal Numbers

// Importing utility classes

import java.util.*;

// Main class

// Representing equivalent duodecimal No of Hexadecimal No

class Main {

// Method 1

// Returning the decimal number of the given hexadecimal

// number

public static String

convertToDec(String value, int base,

Map<Character, Integer> hexatoDec)


int sum = 0;

int pow = 0;

String tempData = value;

// Logic to find equivalent decimal number

for (int i = tempData.length() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {

// charAt() represents element at 'i'th index

int val = tempData.charAt(i) - '0';

if (base == 16

&& hexatoDec.containsKey(

tempData.charAt(i))) {

val = hexatoDec.get(tempData.charAt(i));


// Math.pow() calculates x^n

sum += (val) * (Math.pow(base, pow++));


return String.valueOf(sum);


// Method 2

// Converting decimal number into Duodecimal number and

// return it into main() method.

public static String

convertToDuoDecimal(String value, int base,

Map<Integer, Character> dectoHex,

Map<Character, Integer> hextoDec)


String val = value;

int newBase = base;

// Checks whether the base is decimal or not

if (newBase != 10) {

// If the base is not 10, it call the

// convertToDec() method which return the

// corresponding decimal number of the given

// number.

val = convertToDec(value, base, hextoDec);

// After converting the number, new base is

// updated Say be it 10

newBase = 10;


// Converting the string number into integer

// using parseInt()

int temp = Integer.parseInt(val);

int rem;

String duoDecimal = "";

// Creating duoDecimalChars[] array for defining the

// characters

char duoDecimalChars[]

= { '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5',

'6', '7', '8', '9', 'A', 'B' };

// Logic to find equivalent duodecimal number

while (temp > 0) {

rem = temp % 12;

duoDecimal = duoDecimalChars[rem] + duoDecimal;

temp = temp / 12;


return duoDecimal;


// Method 3

// Main driver method

public static void main(String[] args)


// Createing a variable to store hexadecimal number

String val;

// Custom input in main() for hexadecimal number

val = "3A4C2";

// Creating a hexatoDec and dectoHexa for storing

// values by creating object of Map class Delaring

// object of character and integer type

Map<Character, Integer> hexatoDec = new HashMap<>();

Map<Integer, Character> dectoHex = new HashMap<>();

// Logic to store date into hexatoDec and dectoHexa

// map

for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {

dectoHex.put(10 + i, (char)('A' + i));

hexatoDec.put((char)('A' + i), 10 + i);


// Call the convertToDuoDecimal() and printing the

// returned value of it.


"Duodecimal : "

+ convertToDuoDecimal(val, 16, dectoHex,





Duodecimal : B622A


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