Monday, May 27, 2024

Graal Cloud Native Tools Release - 4.2.1

With the latest release of the Graal Cloud Native Extension Pack for VS Code, we have added some great new features that will make working with Graal Cloud Native even better.

This release brings:

  • Support for the Micronaut® Framework Expression Language
  • Further enhancements to our support for working with the Oracle Autonomous Database
  • Support for the Micronaut Control Panel
  • Support for Config Maps for Graal Cloud Native applications deployed to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Container Engine for Kubernetes (OKE)
  • A guide for running a Graal Cloud Native application on Google Cloud Run, from within VS Code

Micronaut Framework Expression Language Support

With the addition of the Expression Language in Micronaut Framework 4.0, you can now use embedded evaluated expressions in annotations, using the #{…} syntax. These evaluated expressions enable even more flexibility when configuring your applications.

In the latest release of the Micronaut Tools for VS Code, available when you install the Graal Cloud Native Extension Pack, we have added editor support for the Micronaut Framework expression language. Code completion is now provided while using expressions in your annotations.

Graal Cloud Native Tools Release - 4.2.1

Enhancements for working with Oracle Autonomous Database

Our tools for Micronaut already offer great support for working with Oracle Autonomous Database. With this latest release, you can now create a Micronaut controller class directly from a Micronaut Data repository.

You can also now create data entity classes and data repository interfaces from an existing schema, in an Oracle Autonomous database, and then expose these through an HTTP controller, creating a one-stop REST API from the tables in your database.

Graal Cloud Native Tools Release - 4.2.1

Micronaut Control Panel

The Micronaut Control Panel is a new addition to the Micronaut Framework that provides a web-based UI for viewing and managing the state of your application. We now support adding the required dependencies and configuration to your Micronaut projects from within VS Code to automate the setup of this. You can now launch the Micronaut Control Panel and see its output directly from within VS Code. This feature is experimental and subject to change, but do try it out.

Graal Cloud Native Tools Release - 4.2.1

Support for Kubernetes Config Maps in GCN Apps

This release sees support for the creation of Kubernetes config maps for Graal Cloud Native and Micronaut applications that are deployed to OKE. If the application being deployed makes use of a connection to an Oracle Autonomous Database we now support uploading the database connection details directly into a vault hosted within your OCI tenancy. To find out more about vaults read this. We then create a Kubernetes config map containing the database configuration and, behind the scenes, mount this onto the application containers when they are deployed to OKE. In short, this means you can push your database connection details securely to the cloud and we handle the rest.

There is a blog post describing this functionality coming soon, so keep an eye out for it.

Guides on working with Google Cloud Platform for Graal Cloud Native and VS Code

Last, but by no means least, we are also releasing a guide to walk you through deploying Graal Cloud Native applications to Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Cloud Run, from within VS Code. 

Graal Cloud Native Release 4.2.1

To find out what is being released in the 4.2.1 release of Graal Cloud Native, please check out the Announcing Graal Cloud Native Release 4.2.1 post.

Join us on Slack

We would love to hear any feedback you have on any of the features in this release and we now have a Slack channel in the Oracle Developers Slack workspace. Join the workspace and then join the #graal-cloud-native channel to get in touch.


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