Monday, May 13, 2024

Announcing Oracle GraalVM for JDK 22

Oracle is proud to announce the general availability of Oracle GraalVM for JDK 22, and getting started is easier than ever!

Along with performance, stability and feature updates, Oracle GraalVM for JDK 22 includes support for many JDK Enhancement Proposals (JEP), including preview enhancements. The table below summarizes JDK 22 JEP support when using the Graal JIT on the JVM and when using GraalVM Native Image ahead-of-time compilation.

Announcing Oracle GraalVM for JDK 22

Oracle GraalVM for JDK 22 is not a long-term support (LTS) release, therefore it will receive updates only until it is superseded in six months by Oracle GraalVM for JDK 23. Oracle GraalVM for JDK 21 (released on September 19, 2023) is the most recent LTS release.


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