Monday, January 1, 2024

Quiz yourself: Serializing a primitive with ObjectOutputStream

Quiz yourself: Serializing a primitive with ObjectOutputStream

Primitives? Objects? What should you do?

You need to serialize a long primitive value, and you have been given the following code:

long l = 5L;
try (ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(filename))) {
  ... //

Which statement is true? Choose one.

A. The code must box the primitive using oos.writeObject(Long.valueOf(l)).
B. The primitive must be included in the outer Java class as an instance variable to be serialized.
C. The serialization should be implemented as oos.writeObject(l).
D. The serialization should be implemented as oos.writeLong(l).
E. The serialization must delegate to the DataOutput class for writing primitives.

Answer. Java serialization provides a way to represent a graph of objects as a byte sequence. This mechanism also supports primitive data directly, as part of objects. Primitive wrapper classes also implement the Serializable interface and can be serialized too. Commonly, the byte sequence that results from serialization is written to disk for long-term storage or is transmitted across a network.

In most cases, you will use the class ObjectOutputStream to create the serialized byte stream. This class provides the writeObject method proposed in option C, and that method readily handles serializing an entire graph of objects. The result can be transparently restored using the ObjectInputStream class. Note, however, that the argument to the writeObject method is an object, not a primitive.

The previous discussion tells you something about option C: If it’s used, autoboxing would occur and you would not serialize the primitive value. Instead, you would have a serialized representation of the wrapper that was created. At this point in analyzing the exam question, it’s probably too early to reject this option, but you must decide whether any other answer is a better match with the proposition of the question—which does, after all, specifically mention that you are serializing a primitive value.

It turns out that ObjectOutputStream implements the interface. That interface defines writeXXX methods for all primitives. As a side note, DataOutput is also implemented by the class, but although that class works with primitives and strings, it cannot perform serialization. This capability is described in option D, and it will allow you to use the oos object to serialize the primitive directly. From this you can determine that option D is correct. It’s definitely better than option C, and you can now confidently reject option C as incorrect.

Although you should feel confident in the correctness of option D, you should still verify that the other options are incorrect. In an exam, you might discover another option that seems correct, which would cause you to revisit your reasoning. But if you’re tight on time, you might go with the first answer that appears correct.

Option A is incorrect: The ObjectOutputStream is able to serialize primitives directly, which means that boxing is not necessary. Of course, if your application calls for it, you can box or autobox the primitive, but it’s not necessary. Further, the result will take substantially more space in the resulting byte sequence.

Option B is also incorrect for essentially for the same reason as with options A and C. Certainly primitives that are members of objects are handled correctly, but it’s not necessary to wrap a primitive in such an object just to get it out into the byte sequence.

Option E is incorrect, because, as discussed earlier, is an interface, not a class, as is suggested in the stem. The interface declares the signatures of various methods, including the writeLong method you will use, but writeLong is (and, in fact, all the methods of this interface are) abstract. The implementation is provided by the class; therefore, delegation in the code is not necessary or possible.

Conclusion. The correct answer is option D.


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