Saturday, December 9, 2023

Quiz yourself: Secure serialization and deserialization

Quiz yourself: Secure serialization and deserialization

See if you know how to make rapidly changing code easier to maintain.

The objective here is to make serialization and deserialization secure while making often-changing code easier to maintain.

For this advanced-level Java SE 11 quiz, imagine you are working on an application that makes extensive use of serialization of business objects. Fields are being added to, and removed from, the business object classes over time; this is causing problems with old serialized representations becoming inconsistent with new code.

Which change best facilitates managing these changes and keeping the business object working? Choose one.

  1. Implement and choose which variables to serialize.
  2. Make unwanted instance variables private.
  3. Make unwanted instance variables transient.
  4. Add a serialPersistentFields array and refer to it from writeObject / readObject when writing or reading required variables.

Answer. The default behavior of the serialization mechanism saves and restores all the instance state of an entire object. Fields that are added or removed might break the application or, in the worst case, they can introduce security issues. If you rely on default serialization, you should provide a static final long serialVersionUID constant and update it every time you modify a class structure in incompatible ways.

Let’s look at the options proposed for mitigating these problems.

Option A suggests implementing the interface to give control over which part of the object is saved and restored, and to let you choose which variables to serialize. Certainly, this is a very powerful mechanism. However, in this model, the programmer becomes entirely responsible for handling the serialization and deserialization at a low level. Thus, the programmer must strictly maintain the order of serializing and deserializing, and also handle all evolution of the class. All this is error-prone and makes maintenance much harder. So, while this approach is very powerful and might help, it’s likely too much work for the problem at hand.

Option A has the power to mitigate the problem, so it’s not wrong. However, since this quiz question asks for the best option, you need to reserve judgment until you know if another option is better.

Option B suggests using the private access modifier to control serialization. However, private does not alter a field’s serialization. Given that this option simply makes no difference to the situation, you can reject option B as incorrect immediately.

Option C suggests marking some fields as transient. This keyword prevents a variable being written to the serialized form, and so it might address the problem at hand. However, transient still has some weaknesses. One is that in rapidly changing classes, it’s generally easier to maintain code that takes an “allowlist” approach, rather than a “blocklist” approach. An allowlist approach means that the programmer identifies variables that should be included in serialization, rather than identifying those that should not be included.

A second problem is that transient does not address the issue that changing the type of a serialized variable breaks compatibility. Although this option certainly has some merit, it’s not as expressive as option A.

Option D suggests providing a private static final array with the reserved name serialPersistentFields. This array is populated with ObjectStreamField objects that specify the names and types of the serializable fields, like this:

class BusinessObject implements Serializable {
    List list;
    private static final ObjectStreamField[] serialPersistentFields = 
      { new ObjectStreamField("list", List.class) };

This mechanism allows the programmer to explicitly allowlist the fields that should be serialized, and it supports adding or removing fields with some constraints. When code evolves, it’s possible to use the private methods writeObject and readObject to perform custom mapping from serialized copies, for example:

class BusinessObject implements Serializable {
    MyList list; // Changed data type, was previously List

    private void readObject(ObjectInputStream ois)  throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
        // Obtain all the data from the original serialized form
        ObjectInputStream.GetField gf = ois.readFields();
        // Extract original list from that data and create the
        // new data type, MyList from the elements it contains
        this.list = MyList.createFromList(gf.get("list", list)));

Now that you have determined three of the four options can provide a degree of mitigation for the problem at hand, let’s consider which might be the best option. This might be easiest if you visualize the three valid options in a table alongside their features.

Quiz yourself: Secure serialization and deserialization

From the table, it seems reasonable to conclude that option D, the use of serialPersistentFields, provides the best balance, since it’s quite easy to implement and change, and yet it is powerful and expressive enough to deal with the great majority of changes that are likely to occur in a real project.

By contrast, with option A, the use of Externalizable is the most expressive option, but it requires great care in implementation. It will be tiresome to change the code correctly with each small change in the data structure. Therefore, option A is incorrect.

Option C, using transient, is very simple, but it is incapable of handling changes in data type. Further, since using transient requires attention when new fields are added that should not be serialized, this is likely to be more error-prone than an allowlist approach. Therefore, option C is incorrect.

For these reasons, using the serialPersistentFields mechanism is considered to be the best general-case approach, and option D is correct.

The correct answer is option D.


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