Monday, December 4, 2023

Quiz yourself: Read and write objects by using serialization

Test your knowledge of the interface.

The objective of this Java SE 11 quiz is to read and write objects by using serialization. Imagine you are working on a project that includes these two classes:

Quiz yourself: Read and write objects by using serialization

final class Item {
  String title;

  public Item(String title) {
    this.title = title;

  String getTitle() {
    return title;

class Order implements Serializable {
  private int id;
  private List<Item> items = new ArrayList<Item>();

  public Order(int id) { = id;

  public void addItem(Item i) {

  public void getItem(int i) {

Also imagine a colleague has already started working on a requirement that needs the ability to serialize order objects. Another requirement prohibits modifications of the Item class code.

Which of the following changes allows an order to be properly serialized?

A. Add this new method to the Order class:

private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream s) throws IOException {  s.defaultWriteObject();

B. Add this new method to the Order class:

private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream s) throws IOException {
  for (Item itm : items) {

C. Add this new method to the Order class and mark the items instance variable transient:

private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream s) throws IOException {
  for (Item itm : items) {

D. None of the above

Answer. Here are some background rules regarding the behavior of the serialization system. When you serialize an object, the default behavior is to serialize all of the object’s instance data transitively—that is, to serialize the instance data of the object, to serialize each object to which the object refers, and so on until the entire object graph is serialized. (Note that static members are better viewed as elements of the class, not as elements of the object.)

This behavior can be modified in a number of ways, most simply by marking a field as transient. Another rule in the serialization system is that an attempt to serialize an instance of any class is permitted only if that class implements the Serializable interface. This interface is a “marker” interface (an idea that predates the introduction of annotations with Java 5). The serialization system will refuse to serialize an object unless the defining class of that object implements the Serializable interface—you can imagine that the Serializable interface marks the object as a permitted target for serialization.

Now, let’s look at the situation presented in the question. Here are three observations:

  • First, the Order class implements the Serializable marker interface. Presumably this is a result of the partial refactoring work already performed.
  • Second, the Order class has two fields. One is an int and the other is an ArrayList. Neither is marked transient, and both are serializable members of core Java.
  • Third, the list contains Item objects, but the Item class does not implement the Serializable interface. You are prohibited from altering the source code of the Item class and from subclassing the class, since it is final.

Given these three observations, you can conclude that the default serialization must fail when it attempts to serialize any instance of the Item class found in the list. Further, since you are prohibited from altering the Item class, it will always be impossible for those objects to be serialized.

All is not necessarily lost, however, since it is possible to modify the serialization mechanism and instead of serializing the Item directly, serialize some other data—probably the String representing the title—from which an Item might be reconstructed.

The documentation for the interface says the following regarding how a customized serialization mechanism can be implemented by adding some new methods to a class:

Classes that require special handling during the serialization and deserialization process must implement special methods with these exact signatures:

private void writeObject( out) throws IOException
private void readObject( in) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException;

The default mechanism for saving the Object’s fields can be invoked by calling out.defaultWriteObject. The method does not need to concern itself with the state belonging to its superclasses or subclasses. State is saved by writing the individual fields to the ObjectOutputStream using the writeObject method or by using the methods for primitive data types supported by DataOutput.

Now, let’s look at the options for answering the proposed question.

Option A suggests implementing the writeObject method and directly calling the defaultWriteObject method from within it. However, this approach simply invokes the default serialization mechanism without changing anything. That will fail as soon as there is an attempt to serialize any Item instance and throw a Because of this, you can see that option A is incorrect.

Option B seems at first sight to address the problem by taking the approach of serializing the title of each Item. Since the title is a String, this aspect would work. However, the overall solution still fails because the first action of the writeObject method is still to call the defaultWriteObject utility, and that will still fail since it will try to serialize the Item objects. This solution will cause a NotSerializableException to be thrown before execution ever gets to the manual serialization behavior. Because of this, option B is also incorrect.

Option C improves the situation further because it marks the items variable as transient. This excludes the list from the default serialization and, therefore, the code does not crash when it calls defaultWriteObject. Further, the title of each item is saved to the output stream individually, because the java.lang.String object is serializable. From this you can determine that this code would run without throwing any exceptions and a representation of the object would be written to the output file.

However, the question requires “proper serialization.” What does that mean? The Serializable documentation notes: “The writeObject method is responsible for writing the state of the object for its particular class so that the corresponding readObject method can restore it.”

The problem with the code for option C is that there is no reliable way to deserialize the result. The failure is because the size of the list is not written, so there is no way to know how many times to read item titles and re-create Item instances. Because the resulting serialized data cannot be restored, option C is also incorrect.

Given that options A, B, and C are all incorrect, you can conclude that the correct answer in this case is option D: “None of the above.”

Of course, it’s rather unsatisfying simply to have determined that all these attempts are unsuccessful. What should you do to properly serialize these objects, so you can reliably restore them from the result?

To accomplish that, you can build on the proposal of option C (marking the items list as transient and representing the individual Item objects using only the String representing an item’s title), but you must also save the size of the list in the serialized data stream. You should do this before writing any of the Items (which still must be written as Strings representing the item titles). It seems reasonable to store the size using a primitive int value. On the basis of this, a valid method for the Order class might look as follows (don’t forget that you must still mark the items variable as transient):

private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream s) throws IOException {
    // does not write items because the list is transient
    // write size of the list
    for (Item itm : items) {

And the corresponding deserialization code in the Order class would look like this:

private void readObject(ObjectInputStream s) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
    // restore the non-transient parts of the Order
    // determine the number of Items to be restored
    int n = s.readInt();
    // create a list for the Item objects
    items = new ArrayList<>();
    // read the correct number of titles, create the corresponding Item
    // and insert that item into the list
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        String title = (String)s.readObject();
        items.add(new Item(title));

Conclusion: The correct answer is option D.


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