Monday, June 10, 2024

How to Traverse All Files from a Folder in Java

How to Traverse All Files from a Folder in Java

Traversing all files in a folder is a common task in Java, whether you need to read files, filter them based on certain criteria, or process them in some way. Java provides several ways to achieve this, from the traditional File class to the more modern java.nio.file package. This article will guide you through different methods for traversing files in a folder using Java.

1. Folder Structure Example

Let’s consider the folder /Users/omozegieaziegbe/development/oraclejavacertified/ containing the following files and folder structure for demonstration:


Directory structure used for example on traversing all files from a folder in Java

2. Using File.listFiles()

The File class is part of the package and has been available since Java 1.0. It provides basic methods to list files and directories. To traverse all files and folders, including those within subdirectories, we need to recursively process each directory.

2.1 Example: Traverse All Files and Folders in a Directory Using File.listFiles()

public class FileTraversal {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Specify the directory path
        String directoryPath = "/Users/omozegieaziegbe/development/oraclejavacertified/";
        // Using File class (pre-Java 7)
        File directory = new File(directoryPath);
    public static void traverseFiles(File folder) {
        if (folder.isDirectory()) {
            File[] files = folder.listFiles();
            if (files != null) {
                for (File file : files) {
                    if (file.isDirectory()) {
                        traverseFiles(file); // Recursive call for subdirectories
                    } else {
                        System.out.println("File: " + file.getAbsolutePath());

2.2 Explanation

  • Create a File Object: new File("path/to/your/folder") creates a File object representing the folder to traverse.
  • Check if It’s a Directory: Use isDirectory() to confirm the object is a directory.
  • List Files and Directories: listFiles() returns an array of File objects representing the files and directories in the folder.
  • Recursive Traversal: For each File object, if it’s a directory, print its path and recursively call traverseFiles(file). If it’s a file, print its path.


Running this code with the provided folder structure will produce the following output:

File: /Users/omozegieaziegbe/development/oraclejavacertified/exampleFolder/subFolder2/file3.txt
File: /Users/omozegieaziegbe/development/oraclejavacertified/exampleFolder/subFolder2/subSubFolder2/file5.txt
File: /Users/omozegieaziegbe/development/oraclejavacertified/exampleFolder/file5.pdf
File: /Users/omozegieaziegbe/development/oraclejavacertified/exampleFolder/file4.doc
File: /Users/omozegieaziegbe/development/oraclejavacertified/exampleFolder/subFolder1/file.txt
File: /Users/omozegieaziegbe/development/oraclejavacertified/exampleFolder/subFolder1/file.log

3. Traverse All Files and Folders Using Files.walk()

The Files.walk() method from the java.nio.file package offers a convenient way to traverse all files and directories within a folder and its subfolders. It returns a Stream of Path objects that can be filtered and processed using stream operations.

3.1 Example: Using Files.walk() to Traverse All Files

public class NIOFileTraversal {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Path folderPath = Paths.get("/Users/omozegieaziegbe/development/oraclejavacertified/"); // Adjust this path to match your folder structure
        try (Stream<Path> paths = Files.walk(folderPath)) {
                    .forEach(System.out::println); // Process each file
        } catch (IOException e) {

How to Traverse All Files from a Folder in Java
The program above uses Files.walk() method to generate a Stream of Path objects representing all files and directories within the specified folder and its subfolders. The filter(Files::isRegularFile) method filters out directories, leaving only regular files in the stream. The forEach(System.out::println) method processes each file by printing its path to the console.

3.2 Advantages of Using Files.walk()

  • Concise and Readable: The use of streams makes the code concise and easy to read.
  • Flexible: You can easily filter, map, and process the paths using various stream operations.
  • Handles Large Directories: The lazy evaluation of streams allows efficient handling of large directories without loading all paths into memory.

4. Find a File from a Folder and Its Subfolders

Finding a specific file in a directory and its subdirectories can be efficiently achieved using the Files.walk() API. This involves filtering the stream based on the file name or other criteria.

4.1 Example: Find a Specific File

public class FindFile {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Path folderPath = Paths.get("/Users/omozegieaziegbe/development/oraclejavacertified/");
        String fileNameToFind = "file.log";
        try (Stream<Path> paths = Files.walk(folderPath)) {
            Optional<Path> foundFile = paths.filter(Files::isRegularFile)
                                            .filter(path -> path.getFileName().toString().equals(fileNameToFind))
            foundFile.ifPresent(System.out::println); // Process the found file
        } catch (IOException e) {

4.2 Explanation

  • Create a Path Object: Paths.get("path/to/your/folder") creates a Path object for the root folder.
  • Use Files.walk(): This method generates a stream of paths for the entire directory tree.
  • Filter and Find: The stream is filtered to include only regular files, and further filtered to match the desired file name. findFirst() is used to return an Optional<Path> of the first matching file.
  • Process the Found File: If the file is found, its path is printed or we can replace this with any other processing logic.

Running the code above will give the following output:



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