Monday, February 19, 2024

Optimize Java Applications and Simplify Uptaking New JDK Versions with Java Management Service

Oracle is pleased to announce that with the latest update of Java Management Service (JMS), system administrators can quickly maximize the performance of their Java applications through expert recommendations tailored to each applications' profile. JMS now also offers invaluable insight to developers looking to take advantage of the many performance and language improvements of newer JDK versions for their existing applications.

Performance Analysis: Optimize Your Java Application Performance

JMS administrators can now leverage Performance Analysis feature to obtain recommendations to improve the performance of their Java applications. This feature analyzes the performance statistics from your Java runtime powering your applications and interprets them to recommend optimal startup parameters to enhance their performance.

By analyzing garbage collection logs and JFR files, Performance Analysis identifies specific areas for optimization and suggests updated startup parameters. With this feature, administrators can identify performance bottlenecks and take appropriate measures to optimize the overall performance of their Java applications.

Optimize Java Applications and Simplify Uptaking New JDK Versions with Java Management Service
Java Management Service recommendations for improving application performance

Java Migration Analysis: Streamline Your Adoption of New JDK Versions

JMS facilitates the migration of applications from older JDKs to newer ones for developers seeking to take advantage of the latest performance enhancements and language improvements. Through its Migration Analysis feature, JMS performs a comprehensive analysis of the application and generates detailed reports calling out the potential effort and risk involved in the migration process.

The Migration Analysis report provides developers with a clear picture of the level of effort required to transition to a newer JDK version. Migration Analysis also allows developers to easily consider different JDK version choices. By quantifying the effort involved in migrating to different JDK versions, developers can make informed decisions about which JDK version to migrate to.

During the migration process, developers can utilize the analysis reports from Migration Analysis to identify classes and APIs that require changes. The reports specify line numbers in the source code where modifications are needed and highlight both mandatory and recommended changes.

The report is available in two formats:

1. In JMS Fleet Management: The report can be viewed in the OCI console from the fleet where the Migration analysis action was initiated.
2. Static HTML: The report can be downloaded from the OCI console, enabling easy sharing with other team members for collaborative analysis and discussion.

Optimize Java Applications and Simplify Uptaking New JDK Versions with Java Management Service
Java Management Service assessing the migration effort for an application

Customized Java runtime installation: Tailor Your Java Runtime Installation for Maximum Control and Security

With the most the recent update of Java Management Service (JMS) Java Runtime Lifecycle Management functionality, administrators can further customize Java Runtime Installed using JMS. With the custom installation options, administrators have the ability to specify a custom installation path and define the package type, such as JDK, JRE, or Server JRE. OCI Oracle Linux users can choose between headless or headful installations. Administrators can extend the customization to post-installation actions, including specifying logging, networking, and security settings. This comprehensive customization empowers administrators with enhanced control and security in their environment.

Summary of Java Management Service Capabilities

With the introduction of these advanced features, Java Management Service (JMS) empowers system administrators to maximize the performance, security, and efficiency of their Java workloads to an even greater extent. These capabilities enable administrators to take full control of their Java applications and leverage Oracle's expertise to achieve optimal results.

JMS administrators can now leverage Oracle's expertise through Java Management Service - Fleet Management to:

  • (New) Evaluate the effort and feasibility of migrating Java applications to newer JDK versions
  • (New) Optimize Java workload performance with JVM tuning recommendations
  • Identify and report potential vulnerabilities (CVE) associated with 3rd party Java libraries used by applications
  • Assess the impact of Oracle JRE and JDK Cryptographic Roadmap on application
  • Use Java Flight Recorder to gather application details
  • Analyze the usage of application servers
  • Download and install Oracle Java versions
  • Remove reported Oracle Java versions

These advanced capabilities can be leveraged on Desktops, Servers, or Cloud deployments covered by an Oracle Java SE Subscription or when running on an Oracle Cloud Infrastructure service that permits access to the underlying operating system. Users without a subscription can explore and try out these advanced features on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) instances by creating a free OCI account at This allows users to experience the power of JMS and its advanced capabilities firsthand on OCI.

As announced during the JavaOne 2022 Keynote, the Java Management Service basic features that identify Java Runtimes and Oracle JDK usage is now available to everyone, even users that do not have a Java SE Subscription or are running in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure.


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