Friday, December 9, 2022

Quiz yourself: Defining the structure of a Java class

Oracle Java Certification, Java Tutorial and Materials, Java Guides, Oracle Java Certification, Oracle Java Learning

Test your knowledge of Java classes, such as their valid names, the use of variables inside a method, and the number of allowable import statements.

Which of the following statements are correct about a Java class? Choose two.

A. A Java class must have a name shown in the source code.
B. A Java class may have several local variables with the same name inside the same method.
C. A Java class may have several import statements.
D. An underscore character “_” is a valid Java class name.

Answer. Not all classes have an explicit name shown in the source code. For example, Java provides anonymous classes, such as the following:

Runnable r = new Runnable(){ public void run(){
  System.out.print("Do nothing!");

The run method of the Runnable interface is abstract, and yet you can see that there is a real object because you instantiated it and can invoke the run method. This shows that some concrete class, which implements the Runnable interface, exists. The variable r is a reference to an instance of that class, but the class name is not known in the source code. Therefore, option A is incorrect.

Variables are visible only within the scope in which they were defined. However, since a block bounded by curly braces defines a scope, you can create two sibling scopes inside one method. If you do this, two variables with the same name can coexist without a problem, such as in the following:

void twoVars() {
  { int i = 0; }
  { int i = 1; } // OK

In view of this, option B is correct.

Option C discusses multiple import statements. Having multiple import statements is not merely permitted—in most cases, it’s necessary to have many import statements to provide access to classes in different packages. It’s also typical to have multiple import statements providing access to each of several classes in the same package, rather than using wildcards.

Even repeating import statements for the same class or package is syntactically valid, though it would probably trigger a request during code review to tidy up the code.

The following is completely legal:

import java.util.*;
import java.util.*;

public class MyClass { // OK

By the way, if a class defines more than one package statement—whether specifying the same package name or a different package name—compilation would fail. Thus, the following would not compile:

package a.b.c;
package a.b.c; // NOT OK

public class MyClass {

Because option C asks only if multiple import statements are permitted, option C is correct.

As for option D, through Java 8 the single underscore character was a valid identifier and could be used as a class name, a method name, or a variable name.

In Java 8, a warning during compilation indicated that this character was reserved for future language changes. However, the warning did not prevent its use. But then, beginning with Java 9, the single underscore character was defined as a keyword and therefore is no longer valid as an identifier.

This change was described in the Java 9 summary of changes, which stated that the underscore character was not a legal name and warned that if you use the underscore character (_) as an identifier, your source code cannot be compiled.

By the way, it is still legal to use a double underscore (__) as an identifier, such as for a class name, a method name, or a variable name. You can also start a variable name with a single underscore.

public class MyClass {
    int __; // Double underscore is OK

Because the single underscore is a keyword and is not a legal identifier on its own any longer, option D is incorrect.

Conclusion. The correct answers are options B and C.


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