Full Name: Oracle Helidon Microservices Developer
Exam Code: 1Z0-1113
1Z0-1113: Oracle Helidon Microservices Developer
Oracle 1Z0-1113 Exam Details:
Exam Name
Oracle Helidon Microservices Developer
Exam Code
Exam Product Version
Exam Price
USD $245 (Pricing may vary by country or by localized currency)
90 minutes
Number of Questions
Passing Score
Recommended Training
Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ)
Recommended Training
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Oracle 1Z0-1113 Syllabus Topics:
Microservices Architecture | - Explain the Microservices architecture - Describe the communication protocols for microservices |
Introduction to Helidon SE and Helidon MP | - Identify the various Helidon flavors - Describe Helidon SE features - Describe Helidon MP features |
Helidon Application Building and Packaging | - Explain the key concepts for building and packaging - Identify the characteristics of Helidon applications - Describe the containerization of Helidon applications |
Helidon SE | - Introduce Helidon SE basic API - Explain reactive programming in Helidon |
Helidon MP | - Define MicroProfile - Explain the role of MicroProfile in Helidon |
Helidon Configuration | - Explain the MicroProfile Config API - Explain MicroProfile Config concepts - Deploy Config with Kubernetes |
Observability in Helidon | - Explain observability concepts - Explain the observability APIs |
Security for Helidon | - Describe the key security features - Explain authentication and authorization concepts - Describe the key Helidon security features |
Data Access in Helidon MP | - Understand data access in Helidon - Describe the data access API in Helidon MP |
Service to Service Communication with Helidon | - Identify the client types in Helidon - Use fault tolerance with service to service communication |
Testing Helidon Applications | - Explain the general testing strategies - Describe Helidon specific testing |
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